With an ever-growing amount of content, Sons of the Forest appears to deliver on a promised game made Early Access. I am not going to continue bashing this game concept, after all, it appears it is here to stay, but at least Endnight appears to know what they are doing, in spite of everything that went down. Anyway, let us take part in a little adventure, shall we? Here is how to get the Scuba Gear in Sons of the Forest.
How to Get Scuba Gear in Sons of the Forest
The Scuba Gear, also known as the Rebreather in-game, is one of the many tools and suits you will be able to find in the wild, in Sons of the Forest. While the way to the Scuba Gear will be easy, you will have to arm yourself to the teeth depending on the difficulty of your game. Why? Well, because of flesh-eating mutants, that’s why. Anyway, go to the location you can see below and enter the cave that you can find in your GPS.

How to Traverse the Cave

Traversing through the cave is quite simple, keep sticking to the right and going down. Use any source of light you possess in order to see what may lie in front of you. And I say this because, as you can see below, you will find a group of mutants just chilling in the darkness. If you have the necessary firepower, resistance, and well, patience, go ahead and kill them all. If not, you can make a run for it, keeping your right and going down. You will eventually get to an area of the cave that splits off to the right and straight ahead. The Scuba Gear is located straight ahead, and you will need to crouch through an opening to get out of the area, successfully escaping the mutants. However, if you are looking for extra loot, opting for the path to the right will lead you to the Stun Gun. You might as well knock this collectable off your pending to do list.
Finding the Scuba Gear Near the Backpack

You will be in the area where you will find the Scuba Gear, aka the Rebreather. When you arrive, you will be on top of a small cliff with a small path leading down, with the Scuba Gear on the bottom of it, and a body of water surrounding it. Go ahead and walk down this path and pick the gear up, but don’t fall on the water, you will see why. You will be able to equip the Rebreather by accessing your inventory.
How to Survive the Shark and Escape

Why don’t you want to jump into the water? Well, because there is a huge shark in there, and we know how dangerous those guys are. You can either return to the back to the world the way you came, or you can use some type of meat or body part to distract the shark and then swim through the opening in the water all the way back to the open sea. It is up to you, but make sure to survive this encounter to have the Scuba Gear ready for you!
Related: Where to Find the Binoculars in Sons of the Forest
Well, that was certainly an adventure. I would personally just run and avoid those mutants, I don’t deal with tension very well. But yet again, I suck at horror games, and this is at least 50% of one. Anyway, hope you get the best out of your Scuba Gear/Rebreather. Good luck with those mutants and that shark!
Sons of the Forest is available on Windows. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out our guides on How to Get Water During Winter in Sons of the Forest or How to Make a Canteen in Sons of the Forest.
Published: Mar 14, 2023 05:49 pm