How to Get More Storage in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

How to Get More Storage in Animal Crossing New Horizons

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

You know something you never miss until you don’t have it? Storage space. When I got my first apartment, I had nowhere to put anything. I had one closet, and it was filled floor to ceiling with boxes of assorted crud. Do not take your storage space for granted, kids; better to have a lot of empty space you don’t need than no space when you do need it. If your home’s a bit cluttered, here’s how you can get more storage space in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

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When you first upgrade from a crummy tent to a proper house, Tom Nook will inform you that you now have access to your house’s storage space. Pocket space isn’t unlimited, and leaving stuff all over the floor will get you dirty looks from the Happy Home Academy, so whatever you don’t need, you can store in your home storage for later. Or just leave it there forever! However, your storage space has a hard limit of 80 items, and if you’re a proactive player, those will fill up quickly. You’ll need more storage space lickety split.

How to Get More Storage in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

To get more storage space for your home, you’ll need to upgrade it. That means paying off your home loan to Nook completely, then requesting a home expansion. Aside from the obvious benefit of adding more rooms to your home and making them larger, each new level of home increases your storage limit by a set amount.

  1. House built – 80 storage spaces
  2. First house upgrade – 120 storage spaces
  3. Second house upgrade – 240 storage spaces
  4. Third house upgrade – 320 storage spaces
  5. Fourth house upgrade – 400 storage spaces
  6. Fifth house upgrade – 800 storage spaces
  7. Sixth house upgrade – 1,600 storage spaces

Now, personally, 1,600 storage spaces suits me just fine, but if you’re really going whole-hog on this, you can get one more upgrade, as of the game’s winter update. Just go talk to Nook at Resident Services, and he’ll tell you about his expanded storage program. Talk to him at his desk, say “about my home,” and click expand my storage. Oh, and you’ll need to cough up 500,000 Bells. Hey, at least it’s cheaper than the last home loan. Pay Nook’s fee, and he’ll expand your storage to 2,400 slots. That should be more than enough for whatever you need to store (and then some).

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.