With the coming of this year’s Dawning event in Destiny 2, comes the need for Guardians to make cookies. Snowballs, ingredients and seasonal weapons are on the minds of all players at this time. Though also offered alongside all these are upgrades that can benefit Guardians. From more effective snowballs to being able to focus rolls on weapons, these upgrades can make your Dawning that much better. Luckily being able to unlock these buffs lasts the entire event, and getting them is a piece of cake. As long as players invest time into the game, and with the help of an item, these upgrades will be bought quickly.
How to get Dawning Spirit
To get these buffs, Guardians will need plenty of Dawning Spirit. The easiest way of doing so is simply playing the game. Most activity completions will reward five Dawning Spirit. Meaning Vanguard, Gambit, Crucible, and seasonal ops all contribute to gaining upgrades. Another method is acquiring and completing bounties with the Essential Upgrade bonus activated. Daily bounties reward two spirit, while weekly bounties offer a larger ten, as well as some Bright Dust. These bounties can be done on other characters to double or even triple the rewards.
Related: Destiny 2 Dawning 2022 – How to Make Hackberry Tart

Finally, players who have the Starfarer 7M can equip it for even more benefits. Available to acquire during the twelfth season of Destiny 2: Season of the Hunt, this ship is no longer available for new players to acquire. Those lucky enough to equip the 7M have an added bonus of having the chance for Dawning Spirit to be acquired when ingredients are gathered as well. It’s a small effect, but offers so much more Dawning Spirit in the long run. It’s a method to generate Spirit no matter what activates the player may be doing.
What Upgrades are Available?
When Guardians finally have enough Dawning Spirit, they can spend it to get beneficial upgrades as well as making cookies for allies and friends. The beginning upgrades cost twenty Dawning Spirit each, while the final seven cost forty. All together players will need 380 Dawning Spirit to aquire every upgrade Eva Levante has to offer.
Merrymaker – (40 Dawning Spirit Each)
Get a Boon of Friendship each day from Eva, this causes Dawning presents to be given to other players and yourself with this item. It can be used once per day of the Dawning.
Bountiful Harvest– (40 Dawning Spirit Each)
Completing a Dawning bounty will reward another ingredient to make cookies.
Essential Harvest – (40 Dawning Spirit Each)
With each completion of a bounty, some Dawning Spirit will be awarded.
Giftwrapped Exchange Ticket – (40 Dawning Spirit Each)
Unlocks the unity and edgy gift exchange focusing options.
Limited Exchange Ticket – (40 Dawning Spirit Each)
Allows players access to the Limited Exchange focusing option.
Perky Presents – (40 Dawning Spirit Each)
Seasonal Event weapons earned during the Dawning will now drop with another perk in the left column.
Perkier Presents – (40 Dawning Spirit Each)
Seasonal Event weapons earned during the Dawning will now drop with another perk in the right column.
Long Winter -(20 Dawning Spirit Each)
Slow effect increased when Guardians use a snowball on an enemy.
Longer Winter -(20 Dawning Spirit Each)
Stacks of Slow are increased when Guardians use a snowball on an enemy.
Longest Winter -(20 Dawning Spirit Each)
When Guardians use a snowball, any enemy hit will instantly freeze.
Stay Frosty -(20 Dawning Spirit Each)
When thrown, snowballs will leave behind a Stasis mine.
Gift That Keeps On Givin -(20 Dawning Spirit Each)
Shattering frozen enemies will spawn another snowball
For more Destiny 2 coverage, be sure to check out Destiny 2 Fire and Forget God Roll Guide – How to Get
Published: Dec 14, 2022 01:57 pm