How to find the Glitch Marker in Find the Markers

Here is how to get the insane difficulty Glitch Marker in Find the Markers Roblox game.

Find the Markers is a huge Roblox “find the” passion project. With 200 markers to collect, dedicated completionists will find satisfaction with the abundance of easy and difficult ones to obtain. But there are some that are stranger than others. Has the obscure nature of thh Glitch Marker caught your attention? If so, then you may find that it is difficult to locate. But don’t worry, here is your guide on finding the infamous Glitch Marker in Find the Markers.

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How To Get the Glitch Marker in Roblox Find the Markers

Finding the glitched pocket diension

This creepy marker is hidden away off the map. There is only one way to access the small pocket dimension this marker hides in, you must fall into the void at a very specific point.

First, you must travel to the mountain. The mountain is at the edge of the main map but in plain sight.

Screenshot by GJ / markers epic memers

At the base of the mountain, you will find a set of bones and a ladder heading upwards. Climb the ladder, but do not go through the hole. Instead, jump onto the platform to the left, identifiable by the green grass and the other set of bones laying on top. You may want to zoom out to better see this. Follow the set of bones around the corner. You will see another set of ladders going up. Do not climb them.

Instead, go to the very edge of the platform, like this:

Screenshot by GJ / markers epic memers

It may be difficult to see in the image, but there is an invisible platform heading into the distance. It will be clearer in the game. Jump onto it carefully. Make your way across it until you reach the end. Now, you must make the leap of faith.

But before that, zoom out and look down to try and identify the red square. That is what you must hit in order to be teleported to the glitched room. So walk off slowly and try to aim for it. It may take a few tries. Once you hit it, you will be teleported to the glitched pocket dimension.

Navigating the glitched obby

Suddenly, you will find yourself in an obby. It is simple enough to complete.

Screenshot by GJ / markers epic memers

Once you reach the platform at the other end, you will be teleported into another room, with the evil Glitch Marker. You must touch it to claim it before respawning.

Screenshot by GJ / markers epic memers

There you have it, your detailed guide to the insane Glitch Marker in Roblox Find the Markers. Keep your eyes on Gamer Journalist for more Roblox content!
