Capcom love its collectibles. This can be seen across Resident Evil games where players need to either shoot down the shiny item or find those pesky hidden Goats in Resident Evil 8: Village. The hunt for collectibles continues in Resident Evil 4 Remake. For instance, the Blue Medallions are something you must find in order to complete the ‘Destroy Medallion’ Questline given by The Merchant. This is just one of the many Side Quests in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Where to Find All Blue Medallions in Resident Evil 4 Remake
Within every Chapter in Resident Evil 4 Remake, players can find the Quests on blue paper in the environment, they are not obtained via the Merchant himself. The blue paper will indicate what area you will have to search to find the 5 Blue Medallions. Thankfully, in every area for every time you pick this Quest up as you progress through the game, you will only need to find a total of 5 or 6 Medallions to complete the Quest. All Medallions will be highlighted on the Maps via the blue Polygon icon.
To destroy the Blue Medallions for the Quests you will have to shoot these as most are too far away from you to use the Knife on. Use your Handgun as this will be the Weapon you get the most ammo with. Take your time with lining up your shot otherwise you will waste unnecessary bullets on getting these Collectibles.
Farm Medallion Locations
When searching for the first Blue Medallion on the Farm, players should pick up the Quest on the wall, located where the white star can be seen on the Map. From here, sweep the area clockwise, hitting the Barn first where the Medallion is hanging from the ceiling. Then head to brick building opposite the Barn where the Medallion can be seen on the wall facing the Barn. Circle around from here to the narrow passage behind the building where the Wayshrine is located. Behind the Wayshrine is a broken wooden staircase where the Medallion can be found against the wooden planks.
Continue walking clockwise around the farm, vault over the fence to get to another building. The fourth Medallion can be found inside, you will need to shoot all of these in order to add them onto the Medallion Counter. The final Blue Medallion is located east of the building you were just looking into for the fourth, it is inside the small shed.

Quarry & Fish Farms Medallion Locations
There are another 5 Blue Medallions to find in both Quarry and Fish Farms. As Quarry leads straight to Fish Farms, you want to start at the named location of Quarry on the Map for the first Medallion. This can be found dangling from a rope at the top of the Watch Tower. Next, head down to the Dock and look underneath the Pier foundations, between the wooden planks themselves and the water below. You need to head to the very edge of the Dock where the Boat is located and turn around, aiming into the foundation under the staircase taking you towards the Quarry.
Next, go into Fish Farm and enter the small Cabin with a Lifebuoy Ring on the front. Then go into the flooded area and look towards the stairs leading to the upper floor. To the right of the staircase, in the flooded area, the fourth Blue Medallion can be found far away between the wooden planks making the wall in the Farm. The final Medallion is found by turning around from the fourth and jumping down into the area to your left. Go under the bridge and look immediately to the right where the Blue Medallion is located.

Castle Gate Medallion Locations
The third Quest for hunting the Blue Medallions is on the Castle Walls itself. The first can be found behind the Cannon, under the small Dome shelter, located in the arched window on the right-hand side. Next, stand in front of the Cannon, looking at the Castle. Inside the broken wall directly in front of your left shoulder, the second Blue Medallion is inside the carved-out rectangle above the arched doorway. Go next to the archway you were just aiming at and step to the right to look beyond it. In the far left corner of the Castle wall, to the left of the first Window, the Blue Medallion can be found in the top corner of the wall.
For the fourth Medallion, go through the broken archway and into the wooden door on your left. Turn right and past the curved wall the Medallion can easily be knifed here on the wall at Leon’s height. Go back to the Cannon and drop down into the Tower section underneath. From where you fell, look right and up, the fifth Medallion is on the ceiling. Finally, head out of the Tower and onto the outside staircase. You need to look south and into the landscape below the Castle grounds. The sixth Medallion is on a dead tree outside. It is easily viewable from either the curved staircase or atop the scaffolding that is climbable via a ladder.

That was our location guide on where to find the Blue Medallions in Resident Evil 4 Remake. We have a lot more content on Resident Evil 4, with more guides incoming, so be sure to keep an eye on Gamer Journalist if you are interested in seeing more. As always, thank you for reading this guide!
Published: Mar 23, 2023 09:55 am