In Minecraft, adventure awaits around every corner. But there is scarcely an adventure like a Woodland Mansion adventure. On the bucket-list of every player, this structure is extremely rewarding, yet very rare. Players may have to travel for miles to make their way to one. But players must be prepared, as it is no easy feat getting into one and coming out alive. Here is how to find a Woodland Mansion in Minecraft.
How to locate a Woodland Mansion in Minecraft
Finding a map
There is only one way to get your hands on a Woodland Explorer Map, and that is through purchasing it from a Cartographer.

If you are struggling to find one, you can force a villager to become one by breaking their employment block and quickly replacing it with a cartographer’s table. They will quickly become employed as a cartographer.
With a cartographer, you’ll have to trade with them to level them up, regardless of whether you like what you are trading for. With each trade, their EXP bar increases. As soon as the bar fills, quit the trading menu and allow the villager to level up until they become a Journeyman.
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You will have to level up the cartographer until the Woodland Explorer Map becomes available. At that point, simply purchase it with the emeralds and the compass.

With the map in hand, waste no time in opening up.
Hunting for the mansion
When you open the map, the mansion will be pinpointed by the image of what looks like a small house. Your position will be indicated by the white circle at the border of the map. That is your location in relation to the area the map is covering. The smaller the blip, the further you are.

You can use the distance to make a guess of how much you should bring for your journey. Be warned, the journey may be perilous and could take literal hours depending on generation. Embark on your adventure prepared.
Due to the small area the map covers, it will start to get filled in before your pip is even on the map. At this point, the mansion should be in view, as it always spawns in a Dark Oak forest and will always break the trees’ canopy.

At that point, find the entrance and proceed with caution. There are extremely dangerous enemies inside. I would recommend you construct a base of operations outside the mansion. You’ll need it.
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Minecraft content, such as how to make an automatic honey farm.
Published: Oct 7, 2022 09:27 am