Moonscars is, naturally, incredibly challenging. A sidescroller soulslike, the game relishes in pushing you to the breaking point with every encounter. And no quarter is spared, even for your first boss fight. Traitor Chokran is, for the unprepared, a hellish fight where you cannot escape no matter how fast you dodge. However, as crazy strong as the attacks are, there are some lucrative ways to make this behemoth topple like any other foe. Here is how to beat Traitor Chokran in Moonscars.
How to beat Traitor Chokran
What to bring
Moonscars is a skill-based game, so you don’t have to have anything aside from your trusty sword to best him. However, I would seriously recommend you bring at least some of these items to make the fight easier:
- Leech Gemstone — heals a moderate portion of health for each parry. Bought off The First One for 8,000 bone dust.
- Retribution Gemstone — partially returns received damage unto enemies. Bought off The First One for 5,000 bone dust.
- Fierce Fencer Gemstone — slightly increases damage done by main weapon. Bought off Vladyslava for 8 glands.
- Corrosive Touch Witchery — attacks become poisonous. Costs 2,000 bone dust to learn.
- Spike — shoots a projectile forwards. Costs 2,000 bone dust to learn.
It will be worth grinding for these items and witcheries.
Also, before you attack, make sure to search the Outskirts fully. Every region will have permanent upgrades to your Ichor, damage and health. There are six Dark Mirrors in the Outskirts, so there will be six permanent upgrades. Make sure to find them all to have the best chances.
Also it will be worth defeating every tough enemy in the Outskirts for practice. If you cannot best them, you have no chances with Chokran.
Make sure to litigiously practice your parrying skill, it is extremely useful for the fight.
If possible, rage around the Outskirts and increase your spite level to receive buffs on healing and critical chance, then rest at a Dark Mirror to reset your health and Ichor.
Traitor Chokran
Traitor Chokran has a particular flow of fighting.
To begin with, he will simply sweep across the floor in order to strike you. He can travel most of the arena, so always dash through him to avoid damage. He will occasionally summon a figure to throw arrows, stay clear of the red lines to avoid getting hit, but also make sure to avoid Chokran’s sweeping attack.
When you start to really whittle his health down, he will adopt a more vicious attack and will alternate between the sweeping attack and the stabbing attack. The arrow figure may still be summoned, however, he can also throw three sets of arrows in quick succession, so make sure to keep light on your feet.
The most difficult part of the middle stage, however, is when Chokran leaps into the air. Soon, a low chuckle will sound, at which you must start moving as Chokran will slam down from the ceiling. Jump and dash away to avoid damage. He will do this frequently.
In the tail end of the fight, Chokran will slow down the attack speed and the overall difficulty will ease, he will still alternate between the two attack types, but there will be fewer arrow onslaughts and leaps.
Occasionally, two enemies will fall. I would recommend killing them for the small Ichor boost, but Chokran will most likely kill them.
The middle stage of the fight is the most dangerous and challenging, so the beginning and end will give you a bit of a break.
Related: How to get special attacks in Moonscars
Strategies and tips
As challenging as his moveset is, his attacks are predictable and give you plenty of warning. And with plenty of warning, comes parrying. Parrying attacks may seem risky and scary, but when you get good at them, you will realize how much power you have. You must dedicate some attempts to simply learning how to parry effectively. Practice by simply only parrying on a few boss runs, and you’ll see your skill increasing.
With the Leech Gemstone, all parries recover health, meaning not only will you be dealing crazy damage, but you will also be, technically, invulnerable if you simply parry often.
The first stage is ripe for parrying, as the attacks have a slow build-up. Try to exclusively parry in this stage to enter the middle stage with a full set of health and Ichor. That is when things will get difficult.
You will have no choice but to avoid the leaps and the arrows. Perfectly timed dashes are necessary to avoid getting smacked around too much. Make sure to parry on the occasional sweep attack. Try not to parry the first or second strike of the stabbing attack as you may still get hit by the next attack/s of the sequence if you parry too early. You may have to resort to witcheries and spam attacks in the brief moments you’ll have available.
Soon enough, you’ll chip your way past that into the final stage, where the boss slows down. Resort back to parrying, and you’ll be unstoppable. Parrying truly is your best friend in Moonscars.
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Moonscars content, such as combat tips and tricks.
Published: Sep 29, 2022 09:50 am