Figuring out how to counter a Titan Bubble has been on the forefront of a lot of Crucible players minds since Destiny 2’s Season of the Seraph Fortress Iron Banner. That game mode saw entire teams of Bubble Titans match up for what ended up being an unbalanced mess, with many non-Titans having no other option but to sit and wait for the Bubble to end, or for the control zone to finish.
That’s no fun, so I’m going to give you a handful of ways each class in Destiny 2 can counter a Titan Bubble. You do have to spec around countering a Bubble specifically, but each class is capable of dealing with them in some capacity.
Destiny 2 – How to Counter a Titan Bubble

The only weapon that can really counter a Titan Bubble in Destiny 2 is Witherhoard. Witherhoard leaves a damaging pool of Taken Blight when you shoot it – so if you rush the Bubble and manage to get a shot off at your feet in time, you’ll make the entirety of the Bubble uninhabitable for a few seconds.
If anyone in the Bubble tries to stick through the Witherhoard, they’ll die. You will have to win your duals when the enemies come out of the Bubble, but that’s preferable to just letting them sit in it.
There are other weapons that can try to deal with a Titan Bubble. Swords can do pretty decent damage inside one, but you actually need to get inside the Bubble long enough to get an attack off. Cerberus +1 is also a decent counter. Three of them shooting a Bubble can break it in about five seconds. However, the most effective way to counter a Titan bubble is to plan your super around it.
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Perhaps the most obvious counter to a Titan Bubble is a… well, Titan Bubble. If you pop a Bubble right next to another one, it’ll overlap with it. The result is three distinct zones almost like a venn diagram, with a part of the Bubble only buffing you, a part only buffing the enemy, and a large section of it buffing both.
A Bubble v Bubble fight is messy. Both you and your opponents will have massive Overshields, so don’t be surprised if the firefight lasts longer than you’re expecting.
A counter Bubble is the most obvious counter, but Thundercrash is the most effective. Thundercrash is the only super in the game that will guarantee it not only destroys the Bubble but leaves no survivors thanks to its damaging aftershocks.
Doing this is simple – just pop the super and hit the Bubble. The initial impact will break the Bubble itself, while your aftershocks will clean up anyone that was inside.

Well of Radiance
Well of Radiance isn’t a great Bubble counter, but it is an option. A Well will outheal a Bubble’s Overshield. So, if you can place one down with the sword outside the Bubble (that bit’s important), you’ll be able to effectively enter the Bubble and win the resulting firefight.
Nova Bomb
Both Nova Bombs are topped only by Thundercrash in terms of ability to counter a defensive super of almost any kind. Vortex Nova Bombs will break the Bubble on initial impact, finishing off most if not all of the survivors afterwards. Cataclysm Nova Bombs are a little less effective – relying on Seekers to get kills after the Bubble has been popped.

Celestial Nighthawk
There’s only one reason to run a Celestial Nighthawk in PvP, and it’s this. With Celestial, your Golden Gun will penetrate the Bubble and one-shot whatever you hit inside. This makes it a one-and-done Exotic in Crucible, so it’s not practical unless you’re playing a mode with an obscene number of Void Titan users like Fortress.
Blade Barrage
Okay, Blade Barrage isn’t great for this. If you hit all of your knives, then you’ll be able to break the Bubble – that’s it, though. While Celestial Nighthawk can kill things inside the Bubble, Blade Barrage is a more practical super to run in PvP. So, as long as you’re okay with cleaning up the enemies after the Bubble breaks, this will be the best counter on Hunter.
Published: Jan 10, 2023 12:05 pm