One of the final quests in Asgard is to collect two items for Ivaldi so that he can craft you an unbreakable cord. Unfortunately, these fetch quests can be a bit of a pain, as you’ll need to travel all around the area. One of the items is known as Cat’s Footfall, and it’s a statue of a cat that you have to catch. The location hides in a riddle, and it can be a bit confusing. Here’s how to collect a Cat’s Footfall in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
The cat’s footfall, along with the root of a mountain, is an item Ivaldi requires to craft Gleipnir, an unbreakable magic cord. It is part of the quest called A Feline’s Footfall, and you’ll need to read the quest items in your inventory that Ivaldi gives you to get it started.
How to collect a Cat’s Footfall in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Open up your inventory and go to your bag. Scroll down to the quest items and search for the Cat’s Foot Note. The riddle reads, “Over the gate to the great Norse Hall, a golden cat sits patiently, gazing upon many tall towers. She’ll flee when she is found, but follow without fear. Look, leap, and descend. Once she leads you to the end, she may ghost to the ground. Land as well, and swiftly steal her sound.” The riddle basically describes the route you are going to take to catch this cat.

The area you’ll want to be in is the central Asgard zone, up on top of the tall stone columns. You can see the marker on your map, and you should be able to see the first statue as long as you are at the highest point. Walk near the cat statue, and another one will appear in the direction it’s facing.
Here’s a breakdown of all the cat statue locations, in case you miss one or two. Scroll to the end of the post for a video walkthrough if you prefer to follow along in that format.
Cat Location 1
The first cat statue is directly on the beginning map marker. I’d recommend grabbing it as if you were running up behind it. Do this for each step, because it makes it easier to stop the next one.

Cat Location 2
The next cat statue is a few stone columns ahead, on the shortest structure. Walk into it to get the next one to show up.

Cat Location 3
Hop across the thin rope in front of you, and jump across to the rock behind the tree. The next cat statue is on the left side of the rock.

Cat Location 4
The next statue shows up in front of the zipline. Continue straight, and get ready to hop on the zipline.

Cat Location 5 and 6
Take the zipline down, and you will automatically collect the next two. You could probably hop off the zipline directly on top of the second cat, but I didn’t try that.

Cat Location 7
The next statue is on top of the broken wall, right in front of where the last cat statue was facing. If you took the zipline to the end, turn around and climb up the wall to get to it.

Cat Location 8
You’ll find the next one on top of the dragon statue to your left. Climb up to the top to grab it.

Cat Location 9
The final statue leads you to a dangerous-looking ledge. Jump down into the pile of flowers to capture the sound of the cat. Havi then wonders, “who knew you would capture a sound?”

You may now proceed to the next portion of this quest to collect the root of a mountain. If you finished both, take the items to Ivaldi and have him make your cord.
Published: Nov 29, 2020 12:57 pm