Image Via Avalanche Software

How to Charge Ancient Magic Meter Quickly in Hogwarts Legacy

Charge your deadly magic up.

The things you get to discover in the Wizarding World will continue to amaze you. Right from the very first mission in the game to the last. The whole mystery in the game, and also the uniqueness of our main protagonist, can be traced back to one thing: Ancient Magic. You will be able to use it eventually, but your use will depend on the classic meter. It will keep things balanced, and also to prevent you from sending everything to oblivion in your path. Anyway, here is how to charge the Ancient Magic Meter quickly in Hogwarts Legacy.

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How to Charge Ancient Magic Meter Quickly

Since the very start of the game, you will notice that your character will be able to not only sense, but interact with objects that are filled with ancient magic. In fact, you will interact with it directly while solving some early puzzles. Furthermore, once you encounter the Trolls at Hogsmeade, you will be able to use ancient magic to throw items at them and, well, quite literally obliterate them out of existence. However, since, you might imagine, you will need to gather this magic to be able to do it.

There are a couple of things you can do this, and do this quickly. Firstly, you will charge the Ancient Magic meter by landing successfully attacks or by taking damage. Moreover, 10+ hit combos will generate Ancient Magic temporary powerups. However, you can also collect crystal-like objects that will appear during combat that will fill your Meter up. This option is the fastest way to collect Ancient Magic, since it will be able to charge it up pretty fast and don’t require any spells or combos.

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Combine all the above methods to gather Ancient Magic as fast as you can, and you will have your Ancient Magic Meter always filled up. Eventually, you will be able to upgrade your Ancient Magic, so you will have some severe damage output. Trolls will be the least of your worries in this case.

Hogwarts Legacy is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and Windows. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out or guides on How to get Mallowsweet Leaves Hogwarts Legacy or How to Bully a Troll in Hogwarts Legacy.

Image of Alejandro Josan
Alejandro Josan
A musician with a heart of a gamer, Alejandro's life has always been accompanied by adventures on Nintendo platformers, countless hours of fantasy RPGs and several third-party FPSs. Currently, he is studying Game Design and Development, preparing for a long career in the video game industry.