When it comes to hunting Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, sandwiches seasoned with Salty Herba Mystica are your best friend. However, actually getting some Salty Herba Mystica is a chore and a half, as it requires a lot of grinding, patience, and RNG prayer. Luckily, there is another way to boost your Shiny rates with any kind of Herba Mystica, not just Salty. Here’s how to catch Shiny Pokemon with no Salty Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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How to Catch Shiny Pokemon With No Salty Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
All of the best Shiny-hunting sandwich recipes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet require Salty Herba Mystica because it provides the biggest all-around boost to Sparkling Power, the Meal Power that raises Shiny appearance rates. However, as long as you know the particular kind of Shiny Pokemon you’re looking for, you can make a sandwich with any kind of Herba Mystica, alongside a few other specific ingredients, that provides the same, if not higher, Shiny boost.
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The first step here is, of course, getting at least two Herba Mystica. Herba Mystica drops at random from 5 and 6-star Tera Raid Battles. While your chances of finding any Herba Mystica aren’t exactly iron-clad, it’s a heck of a lot easier to source any of them rather than exclusively Salty Herba Mystica. Once you have two units of any Herba Mystica, we’re ready for phase two.
Assembling a Sandwich

In addition to the Herba Mystica, you need a handful of very specific ingredients to create the ideal Shiny-hunting sandwich. First, you need one serving of each of the following ingredients:
- Tomato
- Onion
- Green Pepper
- Hamburger
Next, you need two servings of a certain kind of ingredient depending on the type of Pokemon you’re looking for. You can source the ingredients you need from the various grocers and delis around Paldea. The ingredients you need for each type are as follows:
- Normal: Tofu
- Fire: Red Pepper
- Water: Cucumber
- Electric: Yellow Pepper
- Grass: Lettuce
- Ice: Klawf Stick
- Fighting: Pickle
- Poison: Green Pepper
- Ground: Ham
- Flying: Prosciutto
- Psychic: Onion
- Bug: Cherry Tomato
- Rock: Bacon
- Ghost: Red Onion
- Dragon: Avocado
- Dark: Smoked Fillet
- Steel: Hamburger
- Fairy: Tomato
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So, for example, if you wanted to make a Shiny-hunting sandwich for a Rock-type Pokemon, you’d want a sandwich with two servings of any Herba Mystica, one serving of tomato, one serving of onion, one serving of green peppers, one serving of hamburger, and two servings of bacon. It’s a lot to assemble, I know, but don’t worry if you can’t quite get the top piece of bread on. As long as all the ingredients are on the bottom half, it still counts.
If you did everything right, you should get a sandwich with a level 3 rating in Title Power, Sparkling Power, and Encounter Power. A sandwich like that is all but guaranteed to get you at least one Shiny encounter in a ten-minute timeframe, minimum.
Published: Mar 9, 2023 04:34 pm