Any game that involves characters moving at high speed and bouncing off of stuff is kind of obligated to have at least one pinball-esque boss fight in it. For Freedom Planet 2, that fight is against Aaa, the world’s most annoying child inventor, in the back half of the Zulon Jungle. Here’s how to beat the Zulon Jungle boss in Freedom Planet 2.
How to Beat the Zulon Jungle Boss in Freedom Planet 2
After running through the Zulon Jungle, avoiding getting sandwiched between Aaa and Serpentine’s conflict, you’ll eventually come to a small, circular cavern area. Aaa will emerge from the center of the cavern in his mech and begin rolling around. The good news is that the mech won’t hurt you while it’s rolling. The bad news is that Aaa will periodically stick his head out to launch homing bombs at you. The mech is rolling too fast to chase down, so we’ll need to employ a bit of trickery here.
Related: Freedom Planet 2 Playable Characters and Moves
Rollin’ Around at the Speed of Sound

Due to the circuitous layout of the cavern, Aaa will always be rolling through in a kind of loose figure-eight pattern. When he throws out bombs, you need to run through the loops to keep them on your tail while redirecting their path. Aaa can’t turn around while he’s rolling, so all you need to do is lead one of his bombs into his mech, detonating it in his face. He’ll take damage when this happens, as well as stop for a moment, giving you a chance to get an extra smack in before he starts rolling again.
The bombs have a bit of a tricky trajectory, and Aaa throws them out frequently, so you might not be able to get into a loop before they get too close. Make sure to use your Guard when a bomb gets close so you don’t take damage, or otherwise use moves with invincibility frames like Lilac’s Dragon Boost or Milla’s Barrier Shield. Also, while you can run up to the top floor of the cavern for a moment if you need to, try not to stay up there; Serpentine will lock on from the background and launch a bevy of missiles at you if you’re out in the open too long.
Just keep leading Aaa’s bombs on a merry chase into his face until his mech eventually breaks down. That kid needs to lay off the coffee a bit.
Published: Sep 29, 2022 12:09 pm