While I don’t condone criminal activity, I have to admit that the aesthetic of old-timey gangsters and bootleggers is still one of my favorites. It makes sense, then, that the Moonshine Mob is one of my favorite fights in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course. That said, they got something we need, so they’re going down. Here’s how to beat the Moonshine Mob in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course.
How to Beat the Moonshine Mob in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course
The Moonshine Mob is a four-phase fight on a three-floor stage. There’s gonna be a lot of stuff moving around and drawing your attention during this fight, so I’d recommend packing a loadout including a tracking weapon like Chaser or Crackshot that you can just fire and forget while you focus on your positioning. You can use any character for this fight, though Ms. Chalice’s dodge roll is quite helpful in the second phase.
Phase 1: The Spider
The fight starts out with the Spider skulking around the three floors. Whenever he passes by, get on another floor and start taking shots at him. Be mindful of where he’s coming and going because police bugs will pop out to launch puffs of pesticide in his general direction, which you can get caught up in.
The Spider’s got three gadgets at his disposal: a remote that calls down hanging bombs, a caterpillar, and a telephone that calls up thugs. The bombs will detonate if you stand right in front of them, but they can be easily avoided with a dash. The caterpillar will bounce around the stage, but it can be destroyed with a few shots. The thugs will fly in from the background and appear on the stage a second later. They can all be dispatched with one shot, so just let your tracking weapons clear them out while you focus on the Spider, and watch your back so they don’t spawn in right on top of you.
Related: How to Beat the King’s Champions in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course
Phase 2: The Lady
The Lady will lower in along with a gramophone and start dancing around on the middle floor of the stage. The gramophone produces six streams of green music, three of which will turn yellow, then red after a few moments. The music is only dangerous when it’s red, so don’t worry about dodging until then. Just use Ms. Chalice’s roll or Cuphead/Mugman’s smoke bomb to dodge past the red streams while you keep your weapon trained on the Lady. Again, a tracking weapon can take some of the guesswork out here.
Barrels and cops will run by during this segment, but they’ll both go down in a couple of shots, so don’t pay them much mind.
Phase 3: The Anteater

The Anteater will smash the top and middle bridges of the stage (watch out for his hands when he’s smashing!), then take up position in the background. He’ll start using his nose to poke either side of the three floors, and after a few pokes, he’ll launch his tongue out across the entire length of the stage, then pull back a wad of bugs that he’ll send bouncing around the stage.
Stay on the ground floor and use your tracking weapon to keep the pressure up whenever the nose pokes out, being careful to dodge the bouncing bugs. If the Anteater pauses to stick his tongue out on the ground floor, you can duck under it. He’ll also try to fake you out by only partially sticking his tongue out, but just duck either way and you’ll be fine.
Phase 4: The Snail
When you beat the Anteater, a “Knockout” sign will pop out from the top of the screen. Don’t put the controller down, though, because this is a fakeout. The Snail will pop out from under the Anteater’s hat and begin launching projectiles from his megaphone. He can’t take many hits and his shots are very easily avoided, so just fire back a few shots of your own, and he’ll go down without too much more trouble.
Congrats, the Moonshine Mob is all washed up! Claim the Distillery Dough and go find the rest of the ingredients in the Delicious Last Course!
Published: Jul 1, 2022 11:42 am