Find the Floppa Morphs is a ‘find the’ scavenger hunt Roblox game by BIG PLAY with hundreds of floppas to collect, and many maps to choose from. The Backrooms map is a terrifying labyrinth of scares and yellow walls. If you want to dominate these harrowed halls and come back alive, you’re going to need a guide. Here is how to find all the floppa morphs in the backrooms.
How to Find All the Backrooms Floppa Morphs in Find the Floppa Morphs
Easy Floppas in the backrooms
Backrooms Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with a trash can. Walk to the very end and take a left. Look out for an image of a stick figure on the wall. Take a right and keep moving forwards. It is on the carpet.
Burger Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with one hollow arrow pointing left. Take an immediate left and jump onto the burger on top of the table.
Detective Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with one hollow arrow pointing left. Take a right and follow the arrows down multiple turns until you walk into a room with lots of columns from floor to ceiling. Walk to the very end and there will be a chair. Walk on the chair.
Bomb Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with the image of two stick figures holding hands. Take a right and then a left, past the two-player doors. Keep walking straight till you see arrows lining the walls at the end of the corridor. Follow the arrows all the way through.

Dark Huggy Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with the three hollow arrows pointing left. Take one right and one left. It is at the end of the hall.
Spy Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with a trash can. Walk to the very end and take a left. Look out for an image of a stick figure on the wall. Take a right and keep moving forwards until you hit the carpet. There is a counter in the room and a throwing knife beside it. Touch the knife.
Rat Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with the tone hollow arrow pointing left. Take the right and look for an image of rat. Follow those arrows and keep spiralling through the walkways until you bump into the rat floppa.
Joker Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with one hollow arrow pointing left. Take a right and follow the arrows down multiple turns until you walk into a room with lots of columns in a pattern. Walk into the middle of the room and a mask will be next to a column.
Medium Floppas in the Backrooms
Hazmat Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with a trash can. Walk to the very end and take a left and look out for a vent in a wall. Go through it.
Evil Sonic Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with two stick figures. Take the left and go right after the Teamwork Floppa doors. Take two lefts and go behind the couch.
Shadow Dragon Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with a trash can. Walk to the very end and take a left. Look out for an image of a stick figure on the wall. Take the right, past the couch. Take a left, then a right, then a right then a left until you see a picture of an evil floppa morph. Walk through the wall on the right side. Go to the other side of the room, under the arrow pointing down.

Teamwork Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with two stick figures and go around the wall. You will need a friend to stand on the pressure plate to let you in. You both need to keep standing on pressure plates to get to the end.
EXE Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with a trash can. Walk to the very end and take a left. Look out for an image of a stick figure on the wall. Take the right, past the couch. Take a left, then a right, then a right then a left until you see a picture of an evil floppa morph. Walk through the wall on the right side. Go up to the face on the wall.
Evil Bingus – From spawn, take the exit with one hollow arrow pointing left. Take the right, then a left, then a right, then a left. Keep going forwards into the room with an arrow pointing left but go right, then left, then right, then go to the very end of that corridor, ignoring the other pathways. Take the right at the end then a left and then a right. Go to the end of that corridor and take the right then the left then the right. Take the last right exit and then a left and keep following that hallway. You will need a friend to stand on the plate whilst you go through the door. In the corner to your left of that room is Evil Bingus.
Hard Floppas in the Backrooms
Related: How to Find the TV Floppa in Find the Floppa Morphs
Void Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with the image of two stick figures holding hands. Take a right but don’t turn left, take the second right. Walk until the floppa picture and turn right. Take the first left and walk along the thin walkways until you are standing next to the black hole at the top right. There will be a purple ring at the bottom of the right one. Fall into the hole. Follow the hallway until the end.
Smiler Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with three hollow arrows pointing left. Go left and take a right and keep walking till you hit the end, with a dark sparkling flare. Look left and complete the obby.

Nerd Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with a trash can. Walk to the very end and take a left. Look out for an image of a stick figure on the wall. Take a right and keep moving forwards past the rug and out the other end. Turn a quick right and go through the invisible maze.
Shrek Floppa – From spawn, take the exit with the image of two stick figures holding hands. Take a right but don’t turn left, take the second right. Walk until the floppa picture and turn right. Take the first left and walk across the thin walkways till you reach the end of the room. The floppa is waiting on the floor.
Epic Floppa in the Backrooms
Insane Floppa in the Backrooms
There you have it, your complete list of all 21 Floppa Morphs in the Find the Floppa Morphs backrooms map. Well done!
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Published: Sep 6, 2022 08:56 am