If you’ve decided to pick a class like the Samurai or Bandit that begins the game with a bow, you’ll need to stock up on some ammunition eventually. Whether you prefer some fire arrows or regular arrows, this is the ammunition you’ll need to fire your bow and dish out the damage. This guide will show you how to get and make arrows yourself in Elden Ring.
As you may know, there are different ways to acquire arrows for bows and crossbows. Aside from purchasing them from merchants or finding them as ground loot, your main and most reliable source of arrows will be from crafting them. That leads us to the question of how to make arrows in Elden Ring.
How to Make Arrows in Elden Ring
To make arrows in Elden Ring, you can purchase the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook from Merchant Kale at the Church of Elleh area. The book will teach you crafting recipes, including making arrows. In exchange for the 500 Runes it costs to buy the book, you’ll learn how to make Bone Arrows, Fletched Bone Arrows, and Bone Bolts.
If you follow the storyline, you’ll come across the merchant north of The First Step in the Church of Elleh area. It’s tough to miss, but in case you need to see it on the map, here it is.

To make the arrows in Elden Ring, go into your Item Crafting menu. You’ll need a few Thin Beast Bones to make a stack of ten Bone Arrows. You can get Thin Beast Bones with no problem off of killing animals and other creatures.

That’s essentially everything you need to know about how to make arrows in Elden Ring! For more guides and content, you can check out our website’s Elden Ring section.
Published: Feb 25, 2022 08:36 pm