Ever since Pokemon Sun and Moon, regional forms of certain Pokemon have been prevalent in future titles. This is true for the last two games, Pokemon Legends Arceus and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. And thanks to a cloud service provided by Nintendo, the ability to transfer these variants outside their home region is possible. However, players have looked towards other goals for bringing certain regional variants to the new game. Instead of having to load into another game entirely, fans have wondered if you can create these special Pokemon the “natural way”. Leaving many to ask the question: can you breed Hisuian Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet?
Can You Breed Hisuian Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet?

The simple answer to the question we have posed is: yes, you can. But before we start detailing how exactly to breed these regional variants, there’s some things you should know. First and most obvious, if you don’t posses at least one Hisuian Pokemon, you won’t be able to create one from a Paldean one. And with Pokemon Home, you can transfer Pokemon to and from Legends Arceus and Scarlet/Violet. Second, in order to breed Hisuian Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet, you’ll need to have whatever Hisuian Pokemon you are breeding hold an Everstone.
Related: How Many Eggs Can You Hold in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
As most Pokemon breeders know, breeding a certain Pokemon can be done by breeding it with a Ditto. Combining this technique with a Hisuian Pokemon holding an everstone will give you an egg that will hatch into a Hisuian variant. It is worth mentioning that once the newly hatched Pokemon evolves, it will naturally evolve into the proper variant naturally. A feature that can’t be attributed the every Pokemon that you breed like this. Specific ones such as the starters, Ursaluna, H-Qwilfish, Stantler, and Rufflet will require you to transfer them back to Legends Arceus before evolving them. Failure to do so before evolution will have them revert back to the Paldean variant. And thankfully the transfer system Pokemon Home has a free version so you don’t have to spend any extra money.
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Published: Jul 22, 2023 03:20 am