Whenever you start a new game in Stardew Valley, the location of your farm relative to the rest of the town, as well as certain things that happen to it, are all randomized. However, if you’re finding it difficult to contend with that random element, you can use a custom seed to make the game load up in a particular way. This can bring about helpful events, or otherwise place vital resources within convenient walking distance. Some are easier than others, but all offer something unique. Here are some of the best World Seeds to use in Stardew Valley.
Best World Seeds to Use in Stardew Valley
In order to use a particular World Seed, you’ll need to start a new game. You can’t do this with an existing game file, unfortunately. When you start a new game, fill out your character sheet like normal. Before you confirm it, though, click on the little wrench at the bottom of the screen to bring up the Advanced Options. At the bottom of this menu, you should see a box where you can input an alphanumeric World Seed. Just a heads up, you may want to uncheck the “Year 1 Completable” option, as this can force randomization into custom Seeds.
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So, with that out of the way, here are some Seeds you can try out.
Seed 270192222
This is a nice, simple Seed designed to give you a little head-start at the beginning of the game. Right after the game’s first day, you’ll be visited by the Crop Fairy, who will magically make all of your crops grow to maturity instantly. If you’re using this Seed, make sure to plant as many crops as you can manage on your first day so you can maximize the return from the Crop Fairy.
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Seed 309181356
This Seed takes a little more effort, but it does pay off in the end. This Seed has a roll for a Meteor event at the end of Spring in Year One, followed by two more rolls at the end of Year Two. If you’re lucky, you’ll get an Iridium Meteor on your farm containing 6 pieces of Iridium Ore, which you can use to make some excellent tools and items. Additionally, if you check out the Traveling Cart on Spring 5, you’ll be able to get an Ancient Seed for just 700 gold.

Seed 269733094
This is a good Seed for proactive folks who don’t mind getting their hands dirty. As soon as you’re able to, you should clear out all of the territories around your farm, as many events, including one yielding a Stone Owl, will happen nearby, space permitting. As an added bonus, this seed has an appearance by the Crop Fairy on Spring 1 in Year One.
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Seed 281191250
Another quick early-game boost, this Seed lets you get an Ancient Seed almost right away. If you check the dirt by Linus’s tent due north from your farm, you’ll uncover an Ancient Seed. If you donate to the Museum, you’ll get a packet of more Ancient Seeds, which you can grow into extremely valuable Ancient Fruits.
Published: Dec 2, 2022 01:06 pm