When playing a Mage in Ragnarok Origin you want to be the strongest possible. We’re talking about a Wizard that is of Gandalf’s and Dumbledore’s strength, that can stand his ground before any enemy and blow them all to bits whenever he feels like it.
To create a Wizard like that you would need to go through a couple of stages of picking the right skills, eventually leading you to control an almighty one. Hop in our article and find out how to set up your Wizard skill tree in Ragnarok Origin.
Related: Best Ragnarok Origin High Priest Build – Skill Tree
Skill Tree Build for Wizard in Ragnarok Origin
Getting to the all-powerful Wizard is a multi-stage process. But, don’t worry. We’ve worked out a detailed guide below explaining everything you need to do in order to create the best Wizard.
The build we will present here is a build we believe is one of the strongest in the game and it focuses on Meteor Storm and Fire Magical Damage. However, you don’t have to imitate it fully. You can improvise and adapt to your playstyle, but one main rule you should always keep in mind is that you shouldn’t scatter your skill points to have every spell from your skill tree. Instead, focus on building a smaller number of fully boosted spells that can wreak havoc on the enemies.
Note: Some spells require you to have a certain level of one of the previous spells learned. That is why we recommend that if you wish to change this build, you pay attention to those requirements first.
Mage Skill Tree (1st Job)

- Fire Bolt / Cold Bolt / Lightning Bolt (all level 10) – Each Bolt reigns down with 1000% + 800 unique type of damage when you use it. So Fire Bolt adds 800 Fire Magic Damage, Cold Bolt adds 800 Water Magic Damage and Lightning Bolt adds 800 Wind Magic Damage. Maxing all of these gives you an opportunity to be a very versatile Wizard that can deal with different types of enemies.
- Zen Heart (level 7) – Zen Heart is key for any kind of spellcaster, be it Wizard or Priest. It provides you with a passive permanent increase to your SP recovery (21 + 14% x Max SP) and increases restoring effects of Recovery items by 135%.
- Fire Wall (level 3) – Useful spell for stopping enemies when you feel you can be overrun. Creates a wall of fire that deals 80% + 30 Fire Damage for 9 seconds and stops 9 attempts of passing through.
Wizard Skill Tree (2nd Job)

- Fire Pillar (level 5) – This spell is a great damage dealer with 200 + MATK x 140% Magic Damage to up to 10 monsters. Each will be hit with a 5-hit devastating combo.
- Sight (level 1) – A practical Fire element creature following you around and revealing invisible units. If your party doesn’t have any other means of discovering invisible units this one comes in handy.
- Sightrasher (level 3) – When you’re in a clutch situation Sightrasher is extremely useful. It fires 8 fireballs in different directions around you dealing 170% + 30 Fire Magic Damage to enemies while simultaneously knocking them back.
- Meteor Storm (level 10) – When you really hate someone you call a Meteor Storm on them. This devastating spell brings down 9 meteors, each dealing 550% + 154 Fire Magic Damage in an area. To make it even more fun, each meteor has a 30% chance of stunning the target. Due to the fact that this spell is really OP, we advise you to use it as one of the main spells in your arsenal.
- Safety Wall (level 10) – Classic defensive barrier that you can create to defend yourself against a more numerous enemy. It lasts 50 seconds, can tank up to 10 hits, and gives a massive defense boost that reduces 100% of all Physical Melee Damage (for the duration of the Wall) for the first person that goes up to the wall.
- Earth Spike (level 5) – When you use this spell you will create 5 earthquakes underneath your target that will deal 1000% + 800 Earth Magic Damage in total. It adds up perfectly to your versatile spellbook since it unlocks Earth Magic Damage for your character.
- Quagmire (level 6) – A great disable spell that creates a swamp in an area that slows down the movement speed of enemy creatures caught in it by 25% while at the same time reducing their AGI and DEX by 30. Lasts 30 seconds.
High Wizard Stats Build in Ragnarok Origin
When it comes to stats the Wizard in Ragnarok Origin will differ a bit from his counterparts in other games. Even though INT and DEX are the main attributes you should invest in, the main focus is on DEX. DEX gives you quicker casting time so in perspective, when you boost DEX you will be able to greatly reduce cast time on all of your spells which helps in both PvE and PvP environments.
You should take these stats approximately in a 2:1 ratio. So for example, if you have 20 DEX you should have 10 INT, if you have 50 DEX you should have 25 INT, etc. This isn’t a strict rule of course, but more of a general standard to follow when building your Wizard.
We hope you found our guide helpful. Check out more Ragnarok Origin content in our pieces discussing how to summon Homunculus and how to get to Labyrinth Forest. Follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook and get more exciting guides and news every day.
Published: Apr 7, 2023 12:12 pm