Since its humble and blood-spewing beginnings, Borderlands has always been about creating the best and most broken build you possibly can. And with Borderlands 3, the sentiment is still very true. So let’s respec and take a look at the best Fl4K build in Borderlands 3.
The Strongest Fl4k Build in Borderlands 3?

When it comes to figuring out the quintessential best build for any character in Borderlands 3, there really isn’t a right/wrong answer. Since each character is extremely versatile, you can have a myriad of builds that all work in their own unique ways. But for the sake of this article, we’re going to be focusing on one build in particular. And that’s the Fade Away build, created by Ratore, Dakquan, and Quag. They lovingly created a skill tree with all the necessary points assigned, and we cannot go over what equipment you’ll want to use.
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Take a look at some of the key takeaways from this build before we dive into a more detailed explanation of the Fade Away build:
- Run and Gun Playstyle
- High Survivability
- Fast RoF (Rate of Fire) Weapons
- Quick Cooldowns
- Invisibility Invulnerability
Fl4K Fade Away Build Explained
When it comes to weapons, you’ll want to go ahead and utilize weapons that have skills like Consecutive Hits, Killstack, and High Health Breaker attached to them. Furthermore, keep an eye out for shields such as the Re-Volter, Infernal Wish, Frozen Heart, and Beskar. Along with fantastic regeneration abilities, each shield provides a nice little unique bonus to each one. And it’ll be up to you to mix and match these shields with other equipment to find what works best for you in most situations.
As far as grenades go, you’ll want to snag something like the Mesmer as soon as you can. The main draw to this build is going to be survivability, and with this grenade, you’ll be able to get an extra breath in between the chaos.
Finally, grab yourself the Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge Artifact and pair it with the Bounty Hunter Class Mod. Class Mods will help provide extra boosts for overall stats, which can help for even more survivability depending on what you spec further into. As for the Artifact, This one works best when you’re able to wail on every enemy within sight. As you shoot more bullets, your damage begins to increase exponentially. Not only does this provide massive benefits to bosses, but overall, it helps those who might be in a pickle and need some quick damage. Use all of this equipment, perks, and benefits to clear even the most dastardly Mayhem levels. If done properly, you’ll never have to worry about dying again.
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Published: Nov 23, 2023 12:40 pm