Vampire Survivors does a really good job at making sure any character you choose can be a powerhouse with the right items. While it’s hard to choose a definitive “best” character, there are some that can be more advantageous to start with. This is usually based on their base stats, starting weapon, and passive abilities. The Tides of Foscari DLC introduced a couple of these characters that, when played right, are almost impossible to lose with. It’s always good to mix and match items and see if you can figure out any new builds that work for you. But for our purposes, we are going to be taking a look at the our best build for Je-Ne-Viv in Vampire Survivors.
Best Build for Je-Ne-Viv in Vampire Survivors

It’s starting weapon is Shadow Servant, but Je-Ne-Viv also comes equipped with Insatiable as another hidden starting weapon. This does not take up any weapon slots and because it stacks with greed, you can deal major amounts of damage with it. When dealt fatal damage, this character will trigger World Ender, which we are going to use to our benefit by grabbing as many revive items as possible. The arcana you’re going to want to go with is the Awake (IV) arcana, as this provide 3 more revives. For items, you’ll want to grab Tiragisú, powerup, stone mask, and crown.
Related: Best Vampire Survivors Mods to Play with In-Game
Weapon choices for the most part are up to the players discretion, but there are some things to know before grabbing weapons willy-nilly. Luminare is going to be a must grab if you are able to acquire the prismatic missile to evolve it with the crown. Aside from that, just make sure you wait to grab the three spell weapons until you have maxed out your weapon slots. Doing so will allow you to have 7 total weapons instead of 6.
Who is Je-Ne-Viv in Vampire Survivors?
Je-Ne-Viv is a monstrous amalgamation borne of the aftermath of Genevieve and Eleanor’s fight in the Abyss Foscari. This floating blonde haired blob can be unlocked in one of two ways. You have to defeat 100,000 enemies in a single run with Genevieve, or if you have the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane, can be unlocked by casting the spell “theworldeater”. This character has some of the most and best base stats out of anyone in the game. With a +150 health, +5 armor, +50% might, greed and magnet, and a +7 reroll. This world ender also receives SpellString, SpellStream, SpellStrike at levels 10, 20, and 30 respectively.
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Published: Apr 23, 2023 12:36 pm