Vampire Survivors latest DLC, Tide of the Foscari introduces a plethora of new items, characters and more. Focusing on the latter, Genevieve Gruyère is one of many new playable characters that can be unlocked. Her starting weapon, combined with her initial stats are all you have to see to want to test this character out. However it might benefit you to know which items or arcana would best suit this character, before diving in blindly. Because of this, we are going to be taking a look at the best build for Genevieve Gruyèrein Vampire Survivors.
Best Build for Genevieve Gruyère in Vampire Survivors

Genevieve can be purchased for 5,000 coins, which scales with other characters you have bought. In order for her to be purchasable, you’ll need to break the Seal of the Banished with Eleanor in Abyss Foscari. She starts off with +20% move speed, +50% greed, +50% magnet, and +5 re-roll. Her world eater effect, which makes her invincible for 3 seconds while deleting every enemy on the screen and replacing them with hearts to heal her. These passive bonuses can be just what we need for an insanely broken build.
Related: Best Build for Maruto in Vampire Survivors
While Genevieve already has an ability that saves her from death, we’re going to stack abilities that give her even more revives. Using the Awake(IV) arcana combined with items like Tiragisú and including some powerup bonuses, provides massive amounts of survivability to your run. Doing this just right could potentially give her 7 world eater effects, and 14 revives. While the revives can be consumed for a stat boost upgrade at any time, it’s recommended to consume revives sooner rather than later. Receiving base stat boosts earlier in the level is advantageous, seeing as how you will be essentially un-killable towards the end.
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Published: Apr 20, 2023 10:42 am