BedWars Kits

Roblox BedWars Kits List (March 2025)

BedWars is a popular game developer by EasyGG for the Roblox experience platform. In this game, players can queue into a solo or team game, pick a kit, and try to protect their beds. Gather resources to get stronger and build up around your bed to fortify it. If you want to know all the different BedWars Kits, we will cover them all in this Roblox guide.

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There are several different kits in Roblox BedWars, and each of them comes with unique abilities. To help you find the best one, we’ll cover each of them down below and rank them from best to worst. There is a rotating selection of free kits to choose from, and you can unlock additional kits for 399 Robux.

BedWars Kits

  • Smoke – Use stealth to sneak attack players and hide in plain sight.
  • Ares – Use electric-charged throwing spears to destroy enemies.
  • Jack – Lob bundles of poisonous pumpkin oil across the map.
  • Fisherman – Why fight when you can fish?
  • Gompy – Find ghosts around the map, vacuum them up, and fire them at enemies.
  • Trapper – Place Snap Traps to stun enemies.
  • Trinity – Choose between Light and Void transformations. Light Angel heals teammates, and Void Angel has life stealing.
  • Catherine the Spirit Catcher – Purchase spirits from the item shop and place them around the map.
  • Bounty Hunter – Get assigned bounties for killing certain players in a match, and complete them for resources.
  • Pyro – Use a flamethrower to spray fire, causing enemies to take more damage from attacks.
  • Raven – Buy ravens and fly at the enemies to delivery deadly poison.
  • Beekeeper – Catch bees around the map to upgrade your Bee Hive to accumulate resources.
  • Jade – Knock people up with a giant hammer.
  • Warrior – Armor is slightly cheaper and you can buy more powerful warrior armor.
  • Vulcan – Use a high-tech tablet to control camera turrets across the map.
  • Wizard – Use a magical staff to cast lightning strikes and electricity orbs.
  • Grim Reaper – Consume enemy souls to get health, move speed, and invulnerability.
  • Lassy – Wrangle enemies towards you using a lasso.
  • Pirate Davey – Use a TNT Cannon to bombard your enemies.
  • Baker – Gain access to health-gain apples and speed-boost cakes.
  • Eldertree – Collect tree orbs around the map to increase size and max HP.
  • Farmer Cletus – As a master of the farmland, Cletus grows crops that yield diamonds and emeralds.
  • Melody – Use a guitar and the power of music to heal nearby teammates.
  • Archer – 15% more projectile damage and access to the Tactical Crossbow in Item Shop.
  • Infernal Shielder – Spawn with a massive shield that can deflect damage and projectile knockback.
  • Barbarian – Build rage by damaging enemies. 
  • Builder – Fortify blocks using the Builder’s hammer.
  • Trinity – Upon reaching three kills, choose between a Light and Void transformation.
  • Axolotl Amy – Use your pet axolotls to empower yourself and teammates with buffs.
  • Vanessa – Supercharge your bow to perform a triple shot.


BedWars Kits - Smoke

Smoke uses stealth to sneak attack players and hide in plain sight. Buy a smoke bomb to temporarily disappear from sight, but beware you also can’t interact with the map. Purchase smoke blocks from the shop to obscure your location. Smoke blocks allow you to walk and shoot through but no one can see through.


BedWars Kits - Ares

A powerful ancient warrior that uses electric-charged throwing spears to destroy his enemies.


BedWars Kits - Jack

Lob bundles of poisonous pumpkin oil across the map.


BedWars Kits - Fisherman

Why fight when you can fish?


BedWars Kits - Gompy

Gompy the Ghost Hunter finds ghosts around the map, vacuums them up, and fires them across the map.


BedWars Kits - Trapper

Place Snap Traps to stun unexpecting enemies. Damaging a recently trapped enemy will consume a mark, dealing extra damage.


BedWars Kits - Trinity

Upon reaching three kills, choose between a Light and Void transformation. As the Light Angel, heal nearby teammates when damaging enemies. As the Void Angel, attacks will life steal.

Catherine the Spirit Catcher

BedWars kits - Catherine the Spirit Catcher

Catherine, the Spirit Catcher, is a kit that utilizes Spirits to chase down and explode on nearby enemies. The Spirits can be purchased from the Item Shop when you select this kit.

Bounty Hunter

Get assigned bounties for killing certain players in a match. Complete the bounty to get a random amount of resources!


Use your flamethrower to spray fire, making enemies brittle and taking more damage from attacks. Killing brittle enemies gives char which you can use to upgrade your flamethrower.


Buy ravens and fly at enemies to deliver deadly doses of poison.


Catch bees around the map to upgrade your Bee Hive. Upgrading your Bee Hive will return additional iron and emeralds.


Knock people up with your giant hammer. This kit is free on the Battle Pass!


Armor is slightly cheaper and you can buy powerful warrior armor.


Roblox BedWars Vulcan Kit Update

The Vulcan Kit was introduced on August 20, and allows players to use an impressive piece of technology to control camera turrets around the map.


The Wizard kit was introduced on August 16, and can use his magical staff to cast lightning strikes and hit enemies with electricity orbs.

Grim Reaper

BedWars Grim Reaper Kit

Grim Reaper can consume enemy souls to increase health regeneration, movement speed, and it also grants temporary invulnerability for 2.5 seconds. Combat is disabled while consuming souls.


Bed Wars kits | Lassy

Lassy can purchase a lasso item for 14 Iron. Throw the lasso around a player to pull them toward you. You can lasso people off the map or force them to take fall damage. There are a lot of possibilities with this new BedWars kit!

Pirate Davey

BedWars Kits | Pirate Davey

Pirate Davey can access TNT for 20 Iron. You can place the cannon, add TNT, and fire it across the map. It’s not a bad pick for team play, but it does take some time to get the cannon set up.


BedWars Kits | Baker

Baker is a good pick as it allows access to Apples and Speed Pies. Apples cost 30 Iron and restore 20 Health. The Speed Pie costs 2 Emeralds and gives a slight movement speed boost, but it is not worth spending the Iron on them.


BedWars Kits | Eldertree

The Eldertree can collect orbs around the map to grow in size and gain more health. He is challenging to take down if he gets enough orbs, making him a popular pick. The large size also makes him an easy target to hit, though!

Farmer Cletus

Farmer Cletus has access to seeds, which he can use to grow crops. The crops produce Emeralds or Diamonds. Here is the cost for all the crops and what they can produce:

CropsCostYieldGrow Time
Melons3 Emeralds1 Emerald1m20s
Carrots110 Iron1 Diamond1m30s

After planting your crop of choice, you can let it grow and then harvest it to get your reward. After collecting your item, it will begin regrowing at no extra cost. Anyone on your team can interact with the crops, but only Farmer Cletus can buy the seeds!


Melody has access to a guitar for 20 Iron and playing it heals any nearby allies. You cannot heal yourself with the guitar, making it a useless Kit in Solo player, but decent for team games.


Bed Wars kits | Archer

The Archer gains 15% increased damage to all projectiles and access to the Tactical Crossbow for 10 Emeralds from Amir. Many players like using projectiles for the knockback effect, making the Archer a common BedWars Kit choice.

Infernal Shielder

The Infernal Shielder is a good defender, as he starts with a shield that reduces incoming damage by half. Unfortunately, your run speed is a bit slower with the shield.


The Barbarian kit makes getting the sword a bit harder. With the Barbarian, you upgrade your sword by doing hits and building rage. Each upgrade requires more hits. Here are the Barbarian rage requirements to upgrade his sword:

  • Stone Sword – 6 Hits
  • Iron Sword – 18 Hits
  • Diamond Sword – 32 Hits
  • Rageblade – 60 Hits


The Builder is the first kit added to the game, and it’s an all-around solid pick. It makes defending much more manageable and allows you to fortify blocks. The cost for fortifying blocks with the builder is as follows:

  • Wool – 1 Iron
  • Oak Wood – 4 Iron
  • Stone Brick – 5 Iron
  • Blastproof Ceramic – 10 Iron
  • Slime Block – 12 Iron
  • Obsidian – 2 Emeralds


Upon reaching three kills, choose between a Light and Void transformation. As the Light Angel, heal nearby teammates when damaging enemies. As the Void angel, attacks get lifesteal.

Axolotl Amy

BedWars kits Axolotl Amy

Axolotl Amy uses her pet axolotls to empower herself and nearby teammates with shields, increased attach damage, faster break speed, and more health regeneration. You can purchase Axolotl Amy from the in-game kit shop for 399 Robux.


Vanessa is a ranged kit you can pick up for 399 Robux in the in-game shop. She comes with a charged shot that can be performed with a bow by holding down fire. Aim your trajectory, and launch three arrows into an enemy, dealing some serious damage. Vanessa has had her bow charge time slightly increased with the BedWars Infected update.

BedWars Tier List

  • S-Tier: Builder, Archer, Lassy
  • A-Tier: Baker, Farmer Cletus
  • B-Tier: Barbarian, Eldertree
  • C-Tier: Infernal Shielder, Melody, Pirate Davey

The best kit depends on whether you are playing solo or with a team and what playstyle you want to use. If you want to go on the offensive, Archer and Lassy are the best picks. For a healer build, we recommend going with Baker. Builder and maybe even Eldertree make for good defensive BedWars kits.

Game Description

How to play BedWars:
📡 Join the “BedWars” queue in the Lobby to find a match
🛌 Protect your bed. Once it’s gone, you can no longer respawn!
💎 Gather resources to purchase items and team upgrades
🏹 Destroy enemy beds and eliminate players to win the match!

Image of Paul DeMarco
Paul DeMarco
Paul is a hardcore Call of Duty fan, but also enjoys a good survival battle royale game like Fortnite or PUBG. He's been a gamer since 2005 and doesn't plan to stop any time soon.