Apex Legends players are likely exploring the new Iron Crown Collection Event patch by now. It turns out that patch contained some sensitive information. A data miner found some new files from the recent patch that contain information pertaining to a Legend named Crypto.
Following yesterday’s Iron Crown patch, data miner That1MiningGuy found a large amount of data accidentally included in the patch files. Much of this data has to do with Crypto, a new Legend with hacking abilities.
Here’s a list of Crypto’s leaked abilities that were uncovered by That1MiningGuy:
Tactical Ability: Aerial Drone
An aerial drone is deployed for 40 seconds and cannot be shot down. The drone is capable of flying up to 200 meters in a radius around Crypto.
That1MiningGuy noted, “Crypto also gets prompts on his screen regarding his distance to the drone, distance to whatever target the drone’s looking at, and he also has the ability to hack doors, loot bins, or pick up his teammates’ banners from their death boxes with his drone.”
Passive: Neuro Link
Crypto’s surveillance drone detects and reveals information within a 30-meter radius. Both Crypto and his teammates can see this information, and it’s likely information regarding enemy locations.
Ultimate: Weapon Drone EMP
Crypto charges up an EMP blast that deals shield damage, disrupts enemy traps, and slows enemies. That1MiningGuy predicts that Crypto will be able to toggle between his drone’s camera.
Crypto’s abilities seem to be far in the development phase so it wouldn’t be a surprise to see this character introduced into the game soon.
Published: Aug 14, 2019 07:07 pm