I noclipped out of reality … again. It’s been months since the last Apeirophobia update, but it’s an honor to say that the drought has finally ended! On October 20, the game was updated with four new levels of the Backrooms — the Funrooms, the Electrical Station, The Ocean of the Final Frontier, and Crumbling Memory.
As you play through these levels, you might be asking yourself how anyone could beat some of these with friends, let alone alone. I can relate — the only reason I made it through was because I joined a team of nine other people, and let them carry me. So, you’re most certainly not alone. Let us walk you through how to complete this latest batch of levels while we wait for Polaroid Studios to release the next batch.
How to Survive Level 13 in Apeirophobia

Welcome to the Funrooms. Level 13 is based on Level Fun from the Backrooms Fandom Wiki. It manifests as a playplace for children, with balloons, colorful slides, and party decorations littering the walls. I hope you enjoyed the levels without an entity, because there is no such thing in this update. But, thankfully, the entity here isn’t a dire concern … yet.
In this initial phase, your goal is to find and activate a series of star-shaped wall panels. They aren’t too hard to find, but you will need to explore every nook and cranny of the initial area until you find them all. You may hear eerie noises, but in most cases, the entity doesn’t activate until you’ve activated each of the star-shaped panels. But, that leads us into discussing the entity of this level.
The Wrath of the Partygoer
It’s invisible. In order to see the partygoer — which is the oh so misleading name for this abomination — you need to press the “Z” key and activate your camcorder. I was unaware until this level that we even had a camcorder, but once it’s activated, you can switch back-and-forth with the right mouse button. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this entity can only be seen using the camcorder.
Think of it like the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who or SCP-173 in the sense that the partygoer won’t move while you are looking at it. It will only move once you’ve turned your back, meaning as soon as you hear its monstrous footsteps get closer, you need to turn and look at it until you’re far enough away (or, preferably, until you’ve turned a corner). It becomes a pain when you factor in the objective of the second half of this level, which is to navigate the painfully convoluted floor plan and find three plush bears.
But that’s not all! Let’s say you’re able to find all three bears without succumbing to the partygoer’s wrath. If so, you’ll have to locate the level’s exit, which is a blue door located in one of the large party rooms.
I wouldn’t wish the Funrooms on my worst enemy.
How to Survive Level 14 in Apeirophobia

If you were hoping for a reprieve, keep hoping. Level 14 is another incredibly annoying level, mostly thanks to its mazelike quality that makes it very easy to get lost in. Its objective — to find a screwdriver and bolt cutters so that you can cut the wires in the nearby electrical box — isn’t that annoying. It’s when you consider that these items can be in any of the hallways or rooms that it becomes painful.
To make matters worse, the entity this time around is a Stalker. I am tempted to say this makes this level a bit less annoying than the Funrooms. But, only if you’re not tackling this level solo. If you’re caught by the Stalker, it won’t kill you, it’ll just raise the — very annoying — alarm system. If you can find the room with the alarm controls, you can turn the siren off, but, if it catches you while the siren’s on … lights out.
So, navigate the maze-like area, find the screwdriver and wire cutters while avoiding the Stalker. As soon as you’ve found both, head back to the spawn point and cut the wires in the electrical box. Each wire cut will trigger the siren, so just cut them all and then take off running to the recently opened room. Find the computer, type “y,” and then book it to the gate that serves as the level’s exit. It might be to your benefit to bring some friends — or recruit some randos — because doing this solo seems like absolute misery.
How to Survive Level 15 in Apeirophobia

OK — so, this is probably the easiest level in the game (so far). You spawn on an inflatable boat, chased by a ginormous entity known as the Kameloha. In this level, the main objective is to stay as far ahead of the Kameloha as you possibly can. Keep your boat afloat, patching holes as they appear and repairing the engine whenever it conks out. If you can stay on top of everything for long enough, you’ll automatically be taken to the next level. If not, then the Kameloha will make sure you have a bad time.
How to Survive Level 16 in Apeirophobia

Polaroid Studios heard you liked level 0, so they covered it in black slime and made it level 16. In order to complete this level, you’ll have to — once again — find the vent and crawl through it. If you have level 0’s layout memorized, you’ll unfortunately have to find an alternate path. I regret to inform you the vent you used to escape before has — you guessed it — been blocked by black slime.
But, don’t get too comfy — you’re trapped with a Deformed Howler as this level’s entity. If you can make it to the correct vent (which seems to be in the north-west corner of the map), then cross the pitfalls and enter the glowing door to complete this level. Unlike with level 12, there are no hints regarding what the seventeenth level will offer, so we’ll just have to wait for more information.
For more on Apeirophobia, including a walkthrough of levels 0 through 6 and one of levels 7 through 12, stick with Gamer Journalist!
Published: Oct 24, 2022 12:32 pm