Image via Voracious Games

All Romance Options in Potionomics

Do Romance! Or Don't! It's Up to You!

In Potionomics, you’ll be busy enough paying down your uncle’s incredible debt while also crafting an assortment of concoctions. But, despite that, you might desire something more. If you’d like to have a romantic encounter while also building a potion empire, we have good news! You can do just that! Here are all the romance options available to you in Potionomics!

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All Romance Options in Potionomics

In Potionomics, you have nine options when it comes to romantic partners. You can choose to date Mint, Xid, Quinn, Corsac, Roxanne, Muktuk, Luna, Baptiste, or Saffron. Big emphasis on or because, while you can choose romantic dialogue options for each character simultaneously, you can only date one at a time. Of course, in the case of Salt & Pepper, you can only choose to become blood brothers, which … makes a lot of sense, all things considered.

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In any case, let’s say you have two separate characters each at the max rank — and you’re already dating a third, unrelated character. While the game will let you go through with the events, you will be unable to formally date either. You shouldn’t worry, however — it’s difficult to accidentally date a character. Before you take the plunge, the game will alert you that what you’re about to do is permanent.

Each Potionomics Character’s Favorite Ingredient

OK, so let’s say you’re not even thinking about romance. You only want to find the most efficient method of increasing your rank with each character. If this sounds right, here’s the ingredient you should focus on for each of the ten — including Salt & Pepper — characters.

  • Mint: Bone
  • Xid: Bug
  • Quinn: Slime
  • Corsac: Fungus
  • Roxanne: Gem
  • Muktuk: Fish
  • Baptiste: Flower
  • Saffron: Plant
  • Salt & Pepper: Ore

Now, what’re you waiting for?! Get out there and start romancing! Or … y’know … don’t? It’s up to you. Stick with Gamer Journalist for more on Potionomics as it becomes available!

Image of James Herd
James Herd
James has been playing games for as long as he can remember. His first game was either The Lion King or The Mask for the SNES. He has since grown into the biggest apologist for JRPGs and he wants to be Yoko Taro for Halloween.