Everybody loves food in Tower of Fantasy; not only is it essential for effective gameplay, but it’s also really fun to make! Thankfully, Tower of Fantasy has seemingly endless recipes for you to discover and create. The only problem with food in Tower of Fantasy, however, is that there are almost too many recipes to try, and you the game doesn’t even tell you how to create all of its delicious food! If you’re tired of the guesswork in Tower of Fantasy and you just want to cook some delicious food, you’ve come to the right place! Use this helpful guide to discover all of the available recipes in Tower of Fantasy.
All Recipes in Tower of Fantasy
Healing Food Recipes
- Beet Soup
- 2 Beetroot
- Black Moss Soup
- 2 Black Moss
- 2 Lettuce
- Crispy Chicken Burger
- 1 Poultry Meat
- 1 Homi Grain
- 1 Lettuce
- Dandelion Mushroom Soup
- 1 Dandelion Seed
- 2 Mushroom
- Firecap Mushroom Soup
- 2 Firecap
- 2 Lettuce
- Fried Chicken
- 2 Poultry Meat
- 1 Homi Grain
- Golden Egg and Tomato
- 2 Thornmato
- 2 Poultry Egg
- Grilled Lizard Tail
- 2 Fleshy Tail
- Honeyed Fruit Juice
- 1 Honey
- 2 Fallen Fruit
- 1 Carbonated Water
- Iced Orchid Surprise
- 1 Milk
- 2 Ghost Mushroom
- 1 Carbonated Water
- Mushroom Soup
- 2 Mushroom
- 2 Lettuce
- Seaweed and Egg Soup
- 2 Laver
- 1 Poultry Egg
- Sliced Fish with Mushroom
- 2 Mushroom
- 1 Silver Bass

- Steamed Conch
- 2 Conch
- 1 Lettuce
- Surf and Turf
- 1 Darby’s Sturgeon
- 2 Poultry Egg
- Vegetable Salad
- 1 Lettuce
- 1 Thornmato
- 1 Fallen Fruit
- 1 Salad Dressing
- Balloon Fruit Salad
- 2 Thornmato
- 2 Balloon Fruit
- 1 Salad Dressing
- Barnacle Seafood Pizza
- 1 Barnacle
- 2 Brown Rice
- 1 Onion
- Boiled Scallops
- 2 Scallops
- 2 Lettuce
- Caviar Sushi
- 1 Caviar
- 2 Laver
- 2 Rice
- Chocolate Bread
- 2 Cocoa Beans
- 2 Brown Rice
- Fiddlehead Pie
- 2 Fiddlehead
- 2 Brown Rice
- Fiddlehead Soup
- 2 Fiddlehead
- 4 Lettuce
- Fruit Cake
- 2 Strawberry
- 1 Homi Grain
- 1 Fallen Fruit
- 1 Poultry Egg
- Pine Cocoa
- 2 Milk
- 1 Cocoa Beans
- 1 Pinecone

- Roast Rump
- 2 Rear Hock
- Steamed Crab
- 2 Portunid
- 2 Lettuce
- Steamed Egg with Sea Urchin
- 2 Sea Urchin
- 2 Poultry Egg
- Sweet Pomegranate Juice
- 2 Phosphogranates
- 1 Carbonated Water
- 2 Honey
- Caterpillar Fungus Noodles
- 3 Brown Rice
- 1 Caterpillar Fungus
- Nut Tea
- 1 Hazelnut
- 2 Pinecone
- 2 Honey
- Snow Lotus Soup
- 1 Snow Lotus
- 2 Honey
- Cactus Special
- 2 Ball Cactus
- Fried Egg
- 2 Poultry Eggs
- Fried Mushrooms
- 2 Mushrooms
- Lettuce Salad
- 2 Lettuce
- 1 Salad Dressing
Resistance Food Recipes
- Barnacle Stew
- 2 Barnacle
- 4 Lettuce
- Cocoa Milk
- 2 Cocoa Beans
- 2 Honey
- 1 Milk
- Iced Strawberry Soda
- 1 Carbonated Water
- 2 Strawberry
- 2 Honey
- Sea Crab Soup
- 2 Hermit Crab
- 4 Mushroom

- Simple Power Salad
- 1 Broccoli
- 1 Lettuce
- 1 Thornmato
- 1 Poultry Egg
- 1 Salad Dressing
- Spicy Eel
- 1 Electric Eel
- Thundercloud Blueberry Soda
- 1 Carbonated Water
- 1 Small Blueberry Jar
- 2 Honey
- Braised Meat
- 1 Fatty Cut
- Grilled Steak
- 1 Prime Cut
- Juicy BLT
- 1 Fatty Cut
- 2 Poultry Egg
- 2 Brown Rice
- Snail Baked Rice
- 2 Rice
- 1 Carrion Snail
Damage Food Recipes
- Caviar Potato Balls
- 2 Potato
- 1 Caviar
- Eel and Mushroom Soup
- 2 Firecap
- 1 Electric Eel
- Firedragon Fruit Tea
- 2 Firedragon Fruit
- 2 Honey
- Jam on Toast
- 3 Homi Grain
- 1 Small Blueberry Jar
- 1 Strawberry
- Seafood Soup
- 3 Conch
- 2 Scallop
- 1 Lettuce
- Snow Azalea Tea
- 1 Milk
- 1 Snow Azalea
- 2 Honey

- Spicy Burger
- 3 Homi Grain
- 2 Rear Hock
- 1 Lettuce
- Tomato and Fried Egg Pasta
- 3 Homi Grain
- 4 Thornmato
- 1 Poultry Egg
- Purple Yam Pie
- 1 Purple Yam
- 3 Brown Rice
- Salmon Sashimi
- 1 Lake Bass
- Steak with Sauce
- 3 Firecap
- 1 Prime Cut
- Truffle Fried Rice
- 1 Black Truffle
- 1 Onion
- 2 Rice
All Other Food Recipes
- Breakfast Cereal
- 1 Milk
- 2 Homi Grain
- Egg Fried Rice
- 1 Poultry Egg
- 2 Rice
- Fries
- 1 Potato
- 1 Salad Dressing
- Meat and Potato Stew
- 1 Game Meat
- 1 Potato
- Meat Bun
- 1 Game Meat
- 2 Homi Grain
- Roast Sucking Pig
- 1 Wild Boar Meat
- 1 Honey
- 1 Lettuce
- 1 Sugar Cube
- Fruit Punch
- 1 Apple
- 1 Grape
- 1 Balloon Fruit
- 1 Carbonated Water
- Gingerbread
- 1 Sugar Cube
- 1 Honey
- 1 Brown Rice
- Turkey Beetroot Soup
- 1 Mushroom
- 1 Turkey
- 1 Potato
- Apple Juice
- 1 Apple
- 1 Sugar Cube
- 1 Carbonated Water

- Pan-Fried Salmon
- 1 Lettuce
- 1 Honey
- 1 Salmon
- Braised Turkey with Apples
- 1 Turkey
- 1 Apple
- 1 Potato
- 1 Broccoli
- Apple Cake
- 1 Apple
- 1 Grape
- 1 Brown Rice
- 1 Poultry Egg
- Roasted Drumstick with Veggies
- 1 Turkey
- 1 Mushroom
- 1 Lettuce
- Small Sesame Rice Dumplings
- 1 Sesame
- 1 Brown Rice
- 1 Mushroom
- Red Wheat Bread
- 2 Brown Rice
- Stir-Fried Broccoli
- 2 Broccoli
- Charcoal Grilled Sand Onion
- 2 Sand Onion
- Crispy Grilled Fish
- 1 Silver Bass
- Sizzling Meat
- 2 Game Meat
- Wholegrain Bread
- 2 Homi Grain
Related: All Aida Cafe Recipes in Tower of Fantasy
Congratulations! You now know all of the delicious recipes in Tower of Fantasy! For some reason, cooking in video games is just always more fun than cooking in real life (probably because you don’t have to do the dishes afterwards in games). If you love playing Tower of Fantasy but you find yourself running into ruble often, be sure to stick with Gamer Journalist’s numerous free Tower of Fantasy guides!
Published: Sep 18, 2022 09:22 pm