Whenever I see a very secluded, unreachable and quite dangerously placed treasure chest, I wonder, who were the geniuses that placed it there? I mean, I get that it has to be a challenge for the player, but if I suspend my disbelief, what happens when they need that treasure to pay the bills, or for some Christmas gift shopping? Are all enemies supposed to do the exact same acrobatics as we do? If they die, would they respawn just to die again trying to get to the treasures? If a tree falls in the middle of the forest with no one around, will there be a treasure sitting below it? Well, those are questions that will never be answered. But we do have answers today, like the one to the question “where are the treasure chests in Neomuna?”. Here are all the Neomuna chest locations in Destiny 2 Lightfall.
All Neomuna Chest Locations in Destiny 2 – Map
There are three major areas in Neomuna: Zephyr, Ahimsa Park, and Liming Harbor. Each of these three areas will have several places of interest for you to locate. Between those, each of these zones will have three chests for you to collect and gather. We will address all three zones and, because we care about you, will give you maps for you to look for the treasure chests in every single one of them. Continue reading to discover all the Neomuna chest locations.
Neomuna Zephyr Chest Locations Map

Neomuna Zephyr Chest 1
This chest is not found in ground level, so you will have to climb the pìnk building that has plants on it. Use the balconies and the glass to get to the top floor and you will find the chest laying there, waiting for you to open it.

Neomuna Zephyr Chest 2
You will see that there is a chest located behind an unbreakable glass door. Too bad, to the next one. Now, hang on, there is a way in. You will have to look for another glass room, with a gym inside it. You will notice that the glass is broken. So long with the unbreakable, huh?

In the gym room, you will find a passage on top of it. It will direct you, naturally, to the chest, we were so close but far at the same time. Cha-Ching.

Neomuna Zephyr Chest 3
Finally, the last chest of the area is a bit of a leap of faith. You see, there are three windows opened in the building just in front of you. The one on the left, which is also the one on the bottom, is your objective. Jump over there and you will find the chest.

Neomuna Ahimsa Park Chest Locations Map

Neomuna Ahimsa Park Chest 1
This one can be seen at a distance, just to the right of the building. Jump your way to it by following the ledge and glasses and you will have no problem reaching it.

Neomuna Ahimsa Park Chest 2
For this chest, you will have to enter into a cave, which is located below the cliffside. Follow the walkway to the cave entrance and go to the back of the cave to find the chest lying there, all alone, with no one to help it but us.

Neomuna Ahimsa Park Chest 3
Head to Calus’s giant statue. You will find a small cave just below its base. You will see a lamp in the cave, and the chest right next to it. At least this one had some company.

Neomuna Liming Harbor Chest Locations Map

Neomuna Liming Harbor Chest 1
As you can see in the picture below, you will find the chest just behind the two rotating fan blades. They are at the Thrilladrom Lost Sector. Just time your jump unless you want to deal with two main characters.

Neomuna Liming Harbor Chest 2
Go inside the ship in Liming Harbor. Get close to the marker in the map above and jump between the side and middle platforms to get to the chest you see below.

Neomuna Liming Harbor Chest 3
The last Liming Harbor chest can be found just past the wing awning. Jump unto them and continue moving forwards. Once at the end, look up. Jump through the hole in the awning and you will get to the chest.

Related: How to Find Hydroponics Delta Lost Sector Entrance in Destiny 2 Lightfall
And that’s all the chests in Neomuna. Be sure to get close to the markers in all three sections to be able to collect those weirdly positioned chests. With that being said, this is the end for this chest hunting adventure. I hope we get to see each other again. And we will, I promise you that.
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Published: Feb 28, 2023 9:20 PM UTC