Minecraft villagers are one of the most integral parts of the game, providing many essential services such as trading and farming. But did you know that there are different types of villagers, each with their own unique job?
In this article, we’ll be taking a look at all the different Minecraft villager jobs, explaining what they do and how they can help you in your game.
Minecraft Villager Jobs

There are a total of 15 different jobs that villagers can have in Minecraft. These jobs include productive ones like Farmers and Fishermen as well as the less productive characters like Nitwits and Unemployed.

The Armorer is one of the more important villager jobs in Minecraft. They are responsible for creating and repairing armor for the player and other villagers. They can also offer Chainmail and their job block is the Blast Furnace.

The Butcher provides a valuable service by killing animals and preparing their meat for consumption. Without them, players would have to kill and butcher animals themselves, which is a time-consuming and messy process. They offer cooked meat and emeralds. Their job block is the Smoker.

The Cartographer is responsible for creating maps of the local area. They can be found wandering around villages, looking at bookshelves or map frames. They offer Maps and Banner Patterns, while their job block is the Cartography Table.

If you’re looking for magical items, you should definitely talk to a Cleric. These villagers sell enchanted books and other magical items, including Bottle o’ Enchanting. Their job block is the Brewing Stand.

The Farmer is responsible for planting, harvesting, and replanting crops. Farmers can also breed animals, making them a key Villager when it comes to producing advanced food and brewing ingredients. Their job block is the Composter.
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As the name implies, the Fisherman job is all about catching fish. These villagers will often be seen running around near bodies of water with their rods in hand, ready to snag some prey. They also offer an enchanted Fishing Rod. Their job block is the Barrel.

This particular job revolves around using a bow and arrow to kill animals for their meat and hide. Fletchers can be found in the village archery, where they offer bows, arrows, and flint. They can even give players Tipped Arrows. Their job block is the Fletching Table.

A leatherworker is a villager that can be found in tannery buildings. They can either purchase raw materials from other players or gather them themselves; common sources of leather include cows and horses. They offer Horse Armors and Saddles. Their job block is the Cauldron.

Librarians are responsible for organizing and keeping track of all the books in a village. In addition to reading and writing, they also use their knowledge to help other villagers with research projects.
They help players by providing Enchanted Books and Name Tags. Their job block is the Lectern.

Masons are villagers who work in quarries, crafting stone and other materials into blocks. They offer pre-cut versions of blocks and bricks. Their job block is the Stonecutter.
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The Nitwit is considered as a useless villager in Minecraft since they don’t have any trades to offer and can only offer basic interaction. They also don’t have a job block.

The shepherd is in charge of keeping the village’s sheep population healthy and well-fed. Players can get colored wool and paintings from them. Their job block is the Loom.

The Toolsmith uses stone, iron, and gold to make shovels, pickaxes, axes, and hoes. You can get a variety of tools, even enchanted ones, in exchange for emeralds. Their job block is the Smithing Table.

The Unemployed is another villager that offers players essentially nothing. They also don’t have a job block. However, unlike the Nitwit, they have the potential to be employed (and they have a much more favorable-sounding name).

A weaponsmith is a Minecraft villager who can trade you weapons and armor, such as Iron and Diamond Swords/Axes. Their job block is the Grindstone.
How Do Villagers Get Their Jobs?
A villager’s job is based on the utility block around them. For instance, if they have a Brewing Stand nearby, they will automatically become a Cleric. If they have Lectern, they will become a Librarian, and so on.
Take note that many villagers may be unemployed or jobless because of limited utility blocks. Nonetheless, players can assign a particular profession to them by crafting and placing the appropriate utility block near them. This way, you can start trading unique items with the villagers.
Published: Jan 12, 2023 08:38 am