With so many Backrooms games to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. But for those who are looking to terrify their friends, or a horror game to speedrun on your own, Inside the Backrooms is the one for you. With consistent updates for new Levels getting added into the infinite backrooms and entities being thrown into the fold to breathe life into the lore, Inside the Backrooms is a challenging, puzzle-solving experience that looks to throw everything you knew about the previous Level out the window. Because of this, you will want to know everything about each entity guarding and residing in each Level before you enter its abyss. This is Lambourne and Vincent’s guide on how to evade all Inside the Backrooms entities.
With a total of 5 Levels to play on, Inside the Backrooms: Level 0 (Backrooms), Level 22 (Car Park), Level 4 (Office), Level Fun (Child’s Party), Level 35 (Sewer), Level 5 (Hotel). Although Level 22, 4 and Level Fun flow seamlessly together as a single Level, they house different entities inside.
All Inside the Backrooms Entities
Entity of Level 0 – Bacteria

This entity wanders around the first level, the Backrooms. It is believed to control that area. It will wait in silence, until you walk or run past, at which point it will chase after you, giving off a loud screech. You could actually spend the majority of this Level without running into Bacteria. However, when the time inevitably comes, the best way to deal with this entity is through remembering the map layout. Sounds impossible due to the level design right? However, we recommend that when you are walking around, try to remember both an escape route for sprinting away from Bacteria or where the closest locker is.
It is best to hug the walls so that you can sprint around corners faster, that way you are keeping your distance from Bacteria. However, due to your limited sprint it is best to avoid areas where the fluorescent lights emit a dark orange hue. In these areas, you should adopt a stealthier approach and peer around any corners in case Bacteria is lurking in close proximity.
Entity of Level 0 – Smiler

The Smiler is one of those annoying entities that just do not know when to quit. However, there is a key way of evading these guys and that is to completely avoid the darkness. This task is harder than you would have thought as the Smiler actually controls the darkness and will often cause lights to go out rather than staying in a single spot, waiting for you to arrive. Because of this, it is best to hold onto Anxiety Pills so that you can keep your sanity in check. Aside from this, your main way of fighting back is to simply turn away from the Smiler. By doing so, it will negate all effect that the Smiler has on you and stop it from attacking.
A great way of knowing if a Smiler is nearby is to refer to your Flashlight. If it flickers you will need to turn it off and locate the Smiler so that you can turn away from it. Continue walking through the dark area, avoiding its gaze until it dematerializes.
Entity of Level 0 and Level 35 – the hound

The Hound is by far the most annoying entity in Inside the Backrooms. This is primarily because there is only one way to handle these entities and the method hardly works. What you are meant to do in Level 0 is listen out for it crawling along the vents to indicate its location. When you hear it you will simply need to run away from the area you are in until you cannot hear it anymore. If for whatever reason it finds you on either Level 0 or 35, you will need to stare the Hound down which will temporarily stagger it. Once done, immediately run as it will not freeze for long. Because of this, you will often find yourself taking damage after assuming that this entity works like a weeping angel.
Whilst in Level 0 it is possible to lock this entity out using a Screwdriver on the vents, you will find that running away to a locker is by far the best option. In Level 35, it is entirely possible that these entities can open doors by themselves. Therefore, it is best to stay by a door in case the Hound tries to get inside or use the sewage system of the water to get away as the entity cannot swim. But doing so can put you in danger to other entities.
Entity of Level 22- Skin-Stealer

The Skin Stealer is exactly what you would think it is and because of its awful name, you will want to stay far, far away from it. This entity is attracted to blood so you will want to patch yourself up if you suffer from any wounds from previous Levels. The Skin Stealer roams around the Car Park, looking for its next skin suit. Acting similarly to Bacteria however, you will often spot this entity before the chase initiates. You want to keep an eye on the open area of the Car Park and when in doubt, hug the wall, staying near the closest safe room. Be sure to keep doors open at all times so you can quickly run in and shut it behind you.
For those playing co-op, be sure to listen out to its distinct footsteps to tell the difference between a Skin Stealer and your friends.
Entity of Level Fun – Partygoer

Aside from Bacteria, the Partygoer is probably the most iconic entity of the backrooms lore. Unlike other entities however, the task to avoiding it can be rather brutal. The only way to get around this guy is by successfully completing all of the games provided in Level Fun. If you fail the gift-finding or candle-blowing puzzles/games, the Partygoer will be released and at that point, there is no real way to get away from it. Whilst you can run, you will likely get caught as the layout of this Level is a maze and you are the next victim. Because of this, be sure to complete the entity’s games so that you stand a chance into getting to the next Level.
Entity of Level 35 – Clump

The Clump is quite easy to avoid inside Level 35, the Sewers. Whilst you can use the simplest option of the Tracker to detect where they are (this is also helpful in completing the Level’s puzzles), you may find that simply standing on the other side of the sewage pipe to be sufficient enough in evading its grasp. Without eyes or ears, the Clump cannot locate you. Instead, it crawls along the sewage pipe floor in a straight line or stands still. You will need to stay alert on the whereabouts of these Clumps and make note of their patrolling patterns. The Sewers are best played stealthily once you are inside the murky water due to the Rat entity that lurks alongside the Clump.
The Clump are a one-shot kill so you should keep an eye out for their movement when you are trying to get around the Sewers. You can easily avoid these if you focus solely on their existence. But in combining this threat with the Rat, it is no surprise that players often run into these guys.
Entity of Level 35 – Death Rat

The Rat is the big boss of Level 35 and shockingly it is not a singular entity you will have to deal with. Just like the Clump, it has a one-shot kill if it gets its hands on you. Whilst it cannot see, its hearing is next level and will locate you instantly. As the Rat roams the sewage water, you will find that you can run around the platforms with ease, without having to worry about getting caught by the Rat. However, once you enter the water, be sure to crouch walk everywhere and stop when the Rat is in your LOS. Whilst you can walk for a short distance if the Rat is on the other side of the pipe, do not let it get too close for it will hear you.
The best method of evading the Rat is to not move at all. You need to let the Rat pass the sewage channel before you can begin moving once more. Any sudden movements even whilst its passed you can cause this entity to catch you. Therefore you should wait until the Rat is long gone before you move again.
That was our tips and tricks on how to survive in Inside the Backrooms. For more Backrooms content, be sure to see all of our GJ related articles here. Stay up to date on all of the latest content by visiting the newest video game releases and coverage here.
Published: Jul 20, 2023 09:51 am