Capcom have released an ARG for fans of the Resident Evil franchise to interact with as a taster for what is to come in the release of Resident Evil 4 Remake. The website in question is, which is an ARG for players to sink their teeth into some detective work. Before playing as Leon Kennedy on March 24th, 2023 with the release of the Remake, players can first solve new puzzles provided by the Capcom team. Acting as a Handler yourself, your role is to figure out where the suspects have taken Ashley (code name: Baby Eagle) to. The website provides both backstory to the T-Virus outbreak origins and the kidnapping of Ashley Graham. This is our guide on how to solve all puzzles for the Baby Eagle is Missing ARG.
How to Solve All Puzzles in Baby Eagle is Missing
Day 3 Answers (03.07.23)
Puzzle Answer #1
Day 3 of the investigation follows the Agents into the Safehouse of the smugglers. The hope is to find the ringleader inside. But the house is empty, with little to no evidence inside implying that anyone has been held here previously. The first puzzle asks you to align the three types of scans against the house schematics to find any anomaly within. The scans available are structure, thermal and chemical. This was a weird puzzle to solve as it appeared to be more about selected the right scan and using your cursor to hit the exact spot to pinpoint the secret tunnel underneath the house. After investigating each scan and overlapping them under different combination, the anomaly can be found underneath what looks like the garage.

In order to highlight the hideout however, the system feels rather temperamental. I have found the tunnel through highlighting different scans of the house. Either appearing with the chemical and thermal scans selected or thermal only as your point of interest. You need to move your cursor to hover directly over the shutter door and the secret tunnel should appear. Input ‘Zetrocs Hideaway‘ into the Chat Box to progress to the next puzzle.
Puzzle Answer #2
After finding the tunnels, the Agents head in. Soon after entry, Jayhawk is located but she is not alone. Being so close to bringing this investigation to a close, the Agents are ambushed by an unidentified man who has Jayhawk in his grasp. With the tunnel exit blown up, the Agents are relying on you to find them a new way out. You are given three valves to work with, all of which control the gates inside the sewer system. However, you must select these valves in a particular order to unlock the gates. The order of which you need to select the valves is: Middle, Middle, Left, Middle, Right. You will see that you must input ‘Tunnel 7‘ into the Chat Box to continue the mission and get those Agents out.
Next stop: The Docks.
Day 2 Answers (03.06.23)
Puzzle Answer #1
Welcome to Day 2 in your search for Baby Eagle. This time, the hunt is on to catch the kidnappers who you know are heading to Europe via a Private Jet. But the question the Agents are wondering is who are they? Your job now is to figure out who the kidnappers are and where they were planning their attack, via the Safehouse. After unlocking the Phone found on the smuggler’s body, cryptic images display their possible location of the Safehouse they would have been using as a rendezvous point. In these images and the answer to the first puzzle are the words: Burn Down Manor. By inputting this into the Chat Box you will move onto the next puzzle.
Puzzle Answer #2
The first puzzle was a nice appetiser towards the harder pattern finding puzzle of figuring out the team of kidnappers who smuggled Baby Eagle. You are given a list of 9 smugglers, all of whom may have some form of connection to one another. The job however is to locate the correct pattern and group of smugglers. The issue however is that you have no idea who many there are and who is the ringleader of the operation.
The first pattern I noticed was the link between romantic relationships. Both Smirnov and Ruger have been in a relationship with Jessica Fontaine. This was a clear link that separated these two men from the pack. The name Fontaine appears once more under Porter‘s profile, linking these three together for the Fontaine family name. When looking for the locations where their crimes were committed and where they previously were sighted, Marseille popped up for both Salah (the body we found in Day 1) and Weismark. This linked the deceased together, making these our crucial five man squad.
When looking at the overall pattern of who had the most links with each member, Atlas Ruger reveals himself to be the leader of the operation. Therefore, this is the name we input into the Chat Box. This Day ends with the Agents heading into the Safehouse in the hopes of facing Ruger inside.
Day 1 Answers (03.05.23)
Puzzle Answer #1
This guide will show you how to both solve the puzzles and their correct answers to progress through the website. The website initiates a Chat Room in which you are in communication with multiple Handlers. These Agents will point you to the correct path by showing you the crucial bits of information that you need to find the answer. The first puzzle is to find the location where the suspects took Baby Eagle. You are given evidence that unfortunately has been shredded upon arrival. Your job is to piece the evidence back together so that it is legible. In putting the pieces together like a jig-saw puzzle, you will be able to use the magnifying glass to locate the key piece of information needed to progress.
The location you are looking for is located in the top-right side of the document. This entails that the suspects took Baby Eagle on a Private Jet (fancy) and took off via Harrison Airfield Suite 400. This is what you need to enter into the Chat Room Box to see the next piece of evidence. Once correctly inputted, your next job is to unlock the Phone that has been dropped by one of the suspects who did not make it onto the Jet.
Puzzle Answer #2
You are given a photo of the kidnappers hand. As this is the only piece of evidence provided, the password lies within this single photo. Whilst the Phone states you have 4 attempts at unlocking it with the correct password, you can easily switch to the photograph and back to retry your attempts again. So your guesses are infinite. However, with that being said, this guide will show you the correct answer. The photograph shows dog tag on the left and a newspaper clipping on the right-hand side. But the crucial information lies within his tattoo.
His tattoo is some kind of gang affiliation, reading 0 CRED. What you need to do is convert this into numbers via the Phone. As a result you will get the code: 09325. You need to click on the Password box as you cannot type the code via the keypad. This is the answer to unlocking the Phone. Once inputted, you need to go back into the Chat Room Box and input this code once more to get to the next screen.
The Purpose of this ARG
The Baby Eagle is Missing ARG acts as a lead up short, interactive story explaining the backstory of the events in Resident Evil 4. We play as the Handler, who is investigating day by day, seeking out the crucial information on Baby Eagle’s location. We know that all of this is leading towards the events of the original game. The ARG is likely ending the day before the Resident Evil 4 Remake drops later this week or the next, acting as the immediate result of our work as the Handler.
For more Resident Evil 4 Remake information and news, we have New Side Quests Confirmed for Resident Evil 4 Remake and Can You Use Stealth in Resident Evil 4 Remake? Answered available to read if you are interested.
Published: Mar 7, 2023 02:24 pm