Dignitas vs. 100 Thieves LCS 2020 Spring Week 7 Results

100 Thieves beats Dignitas at LCS 2020 Spring Week 7

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

100 Thieves closed out their match against Dignitas in a stressful 37 minutes today at Week 7 of LCS 2020 Spring. The match had several turnarounds, the first of which was a classic Baron throw by Dignitas. It was a lose-lose fight for Baron, and Akaadian ended up going in for a failed Baron kill which wiped their team.

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In the end, DIG got caught out by 100 Thieves which was their demise. Here are the stats for the 100 Thieves vs. Dignitas LCS 2020 Spring Week 7 matchup.

Dignitas vs. 100 Thieves LCS 2020 Spring Week 7 Results

Huni aatrox2-3-7TOP3-3-5renekton Ssumday
Akaadian lee sin7-2-3JNG3-1-7trundle Meteos
Froggen zoe3-3-7MID2-4-3syndra Ryoma
Johnsun aphelios2-2-6BOT3-2-7miss fortune Cody Sun
aphromoo tahmkench1-2-6SUP1-5-7nautilus Stunt

League of Legends 2020 LCS Spring Week 7 Standings

Be sure to stay tuned to the official LCS Twitch channel for more coverage. Here’s the official LCS 2020 Spring Week 7 Schedule so you can be sure not to miss a match.
