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5 Letter Words Ending with EAM – Wordle Guides

Livin' the drEAM.

It’s time for another episode of “English is a Silly Language Sometimes.” Today’s subject are the letters EAM. They look like they should make a sound like “eee-am,” right? But no, this particular combo just sounds like “eeem.” What’s the A doing in there, then? Who knows? Maybe this list of 5 letter words ending with EAM for Wordle will help us figure it out.

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5 Letter Words Ending with EAM

EAM is a pretty good combo of letters to end a 5 letter word with because there aren’t many possible words you could get at that point. Most of these words are preceded by the letter R, with the letter L coming in second place. Odds are good you’ll find the word you need by just sounding out a few consonants ahead of one of those letters.

CrEAM of the Crop

To help us suss out the right words, we’ve enlisted the aid of our linguistic everyman, the Wordle Helper Utility. With its help, we discerned the 7 words with 5 letters ending in EAM.

  • dream
  • cream
  • bream
  • steam
  • abeam
  • gleam
  • fleam

There’s our full list of 5 letter words ending with EAM for Wordle. Still don’t know why it makes that particular sound, but I guess that’s a mystery for another day. For now, if you’re still hankering for some Wordle action, go check out our Wordle section here on Gamer Journalist. We’ve got new guides going up every day for more words than you could shake an EAM at.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.