Image via Asobo Studio/Focus Entertainment

5 Best Upgrades to Invest In First in Plague Tale: Requiem

If you have to do it, do it right.

When you live life on the road, particularly in the midst of a rat-surging plague, you kinda have to toughen up in a hurry if you don’t want to end up dead. In order to keep her brother Hugo safe, Amicia needs to toughen up more than any girl her age really ought to, and there are some aspects of that process that are more important than others. Here are the best upgrades to invest in first in A Plague Tale: Requiem.

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5 Best Upgrades to Invest In First in Plague Tale: Requiem

A Plague Tale: Requiem’s upgrade system utilizes a variety of different upgrade trees. By using the various workbenches you encounter throughout the story, you can feed the miscellaneous components you pick up into the upgrade trees to improve your equipment. There is an upgrade tree for each of your gear pieces, and three particular upgrades on each.

Related: Is Hugo Playable in A Plague Tale: Requiem? Answered

Out of all of the upgrades you can get in A Plague Tale: Requiem, we recommend prioritizing the following five:

  • Softened Chords
  • Double Cradle
  • Reinforced Bolts
  • Bottomless Bag
  • Hidden Pockets

Softened Chords (Sling Level 1)

Since it’s the first weapon you get in the game, Amicia’s Sling isn’t exactly the pinnacle of offense. It’s slow, it’s inaccurate, and in spite of what you’d expect from what’s essentially just a rope that launches rocks, it’s surprisingly loud. Softened Chords will alleviate that last problem at least, lessening the sound that your Sling makes as you wind it up. This is vital for stealth segments, as it’ll allow you to pick off guards from a distance without endangering yourself.

Double Cradle (Sling Level 2)

An additional problem with the Sling is that you can only launch one rock from it before needing to reload. If you whiff your shot, you’ll have guards bearing down on you before you can even get another rock ready. Double Cradle allows you to fire off two shots from your Sling before needing to reload, giving you a little extra breathing room.

Reinforced Bolts (Crossbow Level 3)

Once you get it in the fifth chapter, the Crossbow is an excellent weapon, outright killing unguarded soldiers instead of just stunning them. However, bolts for the Crossbow can go quickly, making it tough to rely on. With Reinforced Bolts, you can recover any bolts you fire off, whether they hit or miss their target. As long as you sweep the area after taking out soldiers, you’ll never run out of bolts again.

Bottomless Bag (Gear Level 2)

Image via Asobo Studio/Focus Entertainment

Amicia’s alchemic resources allow her to craft all sorts of cool things, particularly enhanced ammunition for her weapons. Even if you’re thorough in your search for this stuff, though, you can only carry so much of it at once. With Bottomless Bag, though, you can carry exponentially more alchemic resources, ensuring you always have some crafting materials.

Hidden Pockets (Alchemy Level 1)

Speaking of alchemic resources, as potent as that enhanced ammunition Amicia can craft is, you can only hold a few shots of it at a time, even if you can craft more. Hidden Pockets increases the amount of alchemic ammo you can carry at once. Combined with Bottomless Bag, you can optimize your intake of resources and output of deadly ammo.

If you’re thorough in your search of the game’s world, you’ll find plenty of resources to get all the upgrades you could want. That said, you can’t refund your upgrades once you’ve spent them, so make sure you’re pursuing an upgrade tree that’ll actually help you.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.