In God of War: Ragnarok, if Kratos wasn’t already a frightening warrior, there’s a chance he’d have a future as a magician. This is because countless players are now complaining that their selected armor has been inexplicably vanishing! If this is happening to you, read on to learn what — if anything — can be done to solve this problem. It can be remarkably frustrating, especially for those who have access to the pre-order bonus set or the one that came with the collector’s editions.
Why are Armor Sets Disappearing in God of War: Ragnarok?
It’s not entirely clear at present. There’s a chance this error is caused when players put their console into rest mode, then resume playing. Something in the game — or perhaps the console itself — is preventing the armor sets’ textures to load improperly. It’s also unclear if this error affects the visibility and function of the armor sets, or just the visibility. If it’s just the visibility, then armor sets should still function, they’ll just be invisible until a patch is delivered. But, if it affects the function as well … good luck, buddy.
Related: Can Kratos Get His Fur Coat as an Armor Set in God of War: Ragnarok?
How to Fix Armor Sets Disappearing in God of War: Ragnarok?
To be frank, it could simply be as simple as waiting for Sony Santa Monica to push a patch through. If this is as widespread of a problem as it seems to be, surely the wait won’t be long. But, if you don’t want to wait for a patch, try restarting your console. As the theory is that this problem is caused by putting your console into Rest Mode, try actually restarting it. Just be sure to save beforehand!
God of War: Ragnarok is now available for the PS4 and PS5.
Published: Nov 9, 2022 6:32 PM UTC