Image via Super Hero Simulator’s Fan Group

Where to find all of the side quests in Piece Adventures Simulator

Figure out how to find all the fun side quests!

Piece Adventures Simulator is a game filled with One Piece-esque content. From traveling the seas to complete quests to completing raids with friends, there’s so much to do in the game! Level up your favorite characters, collect mounts, and earn belli to unlock more worlds and characters! The fun is almost limitless, and more content always seems to be added to the game. 

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If you’ve finished all the main quests and played in numerous raids, you may start to feel bored of the game though. Fortunately, there is still more to this game than one might think. Most islands have side quests that you can complete, and earn a bit of a reward for doing so. Some side quests are out in the open, while others are a little more difficult to find. Either way, we know where they are! Here’s a list of all of the Piece Adventure Simulator side quest locations.

East Town Sword Quest

The first island is more like a tutorial world, where you learn the basic mechanics of the game. There is, however, a side quest here. It’s extremely easy to find, as it’s right out in the open. By heading towards the back of the island, you should see Zoro in the middle of a field. For the side quest, he’ll ask you to find his swords, which are located somewhere on the island.

Buggy’s Town Mount Side Quest

Image via Super Hero Simulator’s Fan Group

The second island’s side quest isn’t one of the first things you see when you get off your boat. Walk around a bit to your west however, and you should see a pet shop. It is here where you will find the quest giver: a small dog. 

The animal will ask you to complete a quest in which you find it some food to eat, and will reward you with a fun surprise for feeding it. We have a more extensive guide to this side quest here!

Baratea Chef Side Quest

While there are no side quests in Maple Village, the next location, Baratea, has a side quest that you might have missed your first run through. This part of the game takes place on a cruise ship, with many guests feasting on food as you make your way through the enemies. If you head to the center of the map, you should notice a set of stairs heading up to another floor. 

By heading up these stairs, you should find a chef in need of assistance. You will have to help some customers who have been waiting for food, and serve them their dishes. After this, you’ll be able to head back to the chef and claim your reward.

Snowy Hills Side Quests

Image via Super Hero Simulator’s Fan Group

There are actually two side quests on this snowy island. The first is relatively easy to find. By heading into the main village that surrounds you when you first enter, you’ll see the quest giver. He’ll offer you a quest in which you need to find several bears across the island, and offer them your respect by bowing to them.

The next side quest is a little more difficult to find. You’ll need to continue onwards to the end of the island, where you will face the boss. There, you will see a large castle – which is where this next quest is hidden away! Head to the right of the building and locate the secret ladder. By climbing this, you’ll find a side quest asking you to gather 10 herbs scattered throughout the forest. 

Desert Kingdom Water Quest

The last side quest as of now can be found in the newest area of the game, which is a desert kingdom. By heading to your left after you first enter the kingdom, you should see a plethora of civilians and opponents – which may make it difficult to find the side quest. Fortunately, it’s easy to see “Side Quest” hovering over the quest giver, who should be standing by some bags. He’ll ask that you send three thirsty civilians some water, and give you a reward once you do!

We hoped you enjoyed our guide on finding side quests in Piece Adventures Simulator. For content related to the game, be sure to check out our How to Get Secret Character in Piece Adventures Simulator guide! If you’re looking for more updates on Roblox, or other fun gaming content, be sure to check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook!
