Liv a Live royal guard
Image via Nintendo/Square Enix

Where is the Trial of Heart in Live A Live

It's in a thematically-appropriate spot for Akira.

In the final chapter of Live A Live, there is a special, secret dungeon for every one of your player characters. Finding and traversing these dungeons will give you that character’s best weapon, and in a few cases, let you fight a superboss. One of these dungeons, however, is a bit trickier to find than the others. So, where is the Trial of Heart in Live A Live?

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Where is the Trial of Heart in Live A Live

Unlike all of the other Trial dungeons in the final chapter, the Trial of Heart doesn’t actually have a static point of appearance. You can search the entire Dominion of Hate, but you won’t find it. So how do you get to it? Well, the Trial of Heart is the personal Trial of the young psychic, Akira. And as it so happens, Akira possesses a means of traversal that no other hero does: teleportation.

When Akira is either your leader or in your party, you have the ability to use Teleport in combat instead of the usual Flee command. If you use this command within the final chapter, there is a randomized chance that, instead of popping up back in the overworld, you’ll instead end up in the Trial of Heart. There is unfortunately no way to guarantee that a Teleport will send you to the Trial of Heart, but if nothing else, it didn’t take me more than 30 minutes or so of Teleporting from fights while exploring elsewhere.

Image via Nintendo/Square Enix

Compared to the other Trials, the Trial of Heart is pretty light. It’s a fairly short and straightforward maze with a few prizes to find, as well as the lingering spirits of the populace of Lucrece. You can scan them with Akira’s Mind Reading for some lore, but it’s not required. At the end of the Trial of Heart, you’ll find Akira’s best weapon, the Guts and Glory Glove.

Before you take the exit portal out of the Trial of Heart, make sure you’ve scoped the place out completely and opened all of its chests. When you leave the Trial of Heart, you’ll lose the chance to teleport to it, so if you forgot anything, it’s lost forever.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.