Blox Fruits is undoubtedly one of the most popular Roblox experiences to ever exist. Boasting a total of over 10 billion visits and an average of almost half a million players every day. While everyone tries to level up and collect as many Blox Fruit and gear as possible, some people might want a helping hand at figuring some things out. That’s where we come in. The Second Sea was introduced with update 8 and allowed fellow pirates to explore a completely new and vast area. Along with a level cap update, there’s one specific boss that have people itching to fight. He goes by the name Jeremy, and he is located in a very peculiar place. Let’s set sail and answer the question: where is Jeremy in Blox Fruits?
Where is Jeremy in Blox Fruits? Explained

Simply reaching the Second Sea is not an easy task for players. To be eligible to go to the Second Sea, player will need to be level 700+ and will need to complete a special quest given to you by the military detective next to the Prison. After completing this quest and returning to the detective, players will have the option to travel to the Second Sea and will now always end up here every time they log in. After reaching this area and spawning on the main docks of the Kingdom of Rose, we can now go after Jeremy. A level 850 boss, Jeremy can be found by traversing outside of the Kingdom of Rose. Specifically players will want to look for a mountain to the right of the kingdom. At the very top of this mountain, Jeremy will be waiting for you with his pink tank-top and shades.
Utilizing the Spring Fruit, Jeremy will attempt to stretch upwards before slamming down on you with all his might. This attack will happen when the player gets too close to Jeremy while fighting, so be sure to keep your distance every once in a while. Once Jeremy is defeated, players will have a 5% chance of receiving the Black Spikey Coat. A coat for the player to wear that gives them +200 health and energy, as well as a 7.5% universal damage buff. If your first attempt at defeating Jeremy does not reward you with the coat, then no worries. He will respawn every 20 minutes after being defeated. Allowing players time to make a hot pocket, read an article about full moons in Blox Fruit, and wait for him to respawn.
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Published: Nov 30, 2022 01:37 pm