No multiplayer is ever fully complete without the ability to message other players. Whether that be in game or through a game clients messaging system. For Roblox, this system can help players advance in part of a game, give tips or callouts if needed, or even trash talk your teammates. When it comes to the last option, some people have taken to using abbreviations to express their displeasure. One of these expressions has taken the form of ‘smh‘. This term has been making its rounds through some of the most popular Roblox games with people using it as a way to show how upset they are with something. Let’s roll out and answer the question: what does smh mean in Roblox.
What does smh mean in Roblox?

To fully understand why people use the term smh, one must first figure out the definition of the phrase. Spelled out, smh means shaking my head. Using smh in the context of a Roblox game could mean a variety of different things. If you’re playing Phantom Forces, someone on the enemy team might use smh to express their level or frustration or sadness with how to current match is going. It might be used in other games to show people that they are dissatisfied with another player or a part of the game. No matter the context, when a player uses smh it’s usually not for a good reason. Just make sure you’re the one shaking your head and not having a head shaken at you.
If you’re looking for Roblox codes and much more on the best Roblox games, check out our other great articles right here on Gamer Journalist.
Published: Nov 8, 2022 08:24 am