You cannot travel throughout the galaxy in Starbase without a proper ship. Luckily, you start with a beginner ship that does all of the basic things you need to get started. But what happens when you lose your ship? Well, there are a few ways to get it back or acquire a new one altogether. So, whether you just purchased a new ship or can’t figure out what happened to your old one, this guide should help you out. Here’s how to spawn your ship and get a new one in Starbase.
How to spawn your ship in Starbase
To spawn your ship in Starbase, you can head to any of the Ships terminals located around the space station. Several small takeoff strips are scattered around the station, which you can find in areas like the Ship Center, outside the Easy Build building, and the Takeoff area. Interact with the terminal, select your ship of choice, and tap on Spawn. Your ship will spawn nearby, allowing you to pilot it and take off into space.

You can only spawn ships that are available at the current station. If you select a ship outside your current station, you will see an option to tow it instead. The towing cost depends on how far it is from your location, but the minimal amount should be 500 Credits.
How do I get a new starter ship in Starbase?
Considering Starbase is in Early Access, it’s possible to encounter some bugs from time to time. One of the more annoying bugs is completely losing your starter ship, the Laborer Module. When this happens, attempting to spawn the ship at a terminal does nothing, and there is no option to tow.
To get a new ship, press “Esc” and head to the settings tab. From the left menu, select tutorial, and under the tutorials, select “Repair Job.” Completing this short tutorial will get you another Laborer Module starting ship. You can follow the steps outlined above to spawn it at any Ships terminal at your current station.
Buying a new ship in Starbase
You can also purchase an all-new ship at the Sunny Ship Center, assuming you have the proper amount of ore required to assemble it. There are many different ships available at the Ship Center, ranging anywhere from 50,000 to 300,000+ Credits. So if you’ve done a lot of asteroid mining and have some Credits saved up, browse through the selection to see what the game has to offer.

If you’re more advanced and want to explore some in-depth spaceship building, head to the Ship Design Workshop to build your own! Now you know how to spawn your ship and buy a new one in Starbase, so it’s time to go explore the galaxy to see what’s out there.
Published: Aug 2, 2021 08:17 pm