You awake after collapsing on the street outside. Someone took you in and placed you in a bed. Outside the room there are survivors who too have been saved. You have made it into the heart of the city. As you wander through the refugee camp, walking past unfamiliar faces you wonder did your family make it too? Or are they still out there somewhere? As the piano plays in the background, you feel as though some kind of conclusion is fast approaching. This is our guide to beating Somerville Chapter 8 – 10. Interested in our thoughts on this new Indie game? See our review: Somerville Review: Family is Hope.
Somerville Chapter 8 Part 1
After waking up head out the door on the right. Your dog is here with you, watching and following your every move. There are no puzzles for a while here so just walk through the camp and enjoy the music playing in the background as our protagonist is safe for now.

On the north side of the room there is a room on the left, which is blocked by a movable unit. Move this out of the way to get inside. This is not a key area to be in but inside there is a mechanical ball trapped under a cardboard box. You can free him by swiping the box using the interact button.

Next, head to the doorway on the far-right side of the room. Walk through and past the door in the middle of the room. Go through the far-right door again and walk to the lit tents. Enjoy the beautiful short cutscene which plays.

Chapter 8 Part 2
Now reunited with your family, go back to the door you passed before. Here you just want to follow your wife who is trying to find you painkillers. In this room your son wanders towards the window, go with him. Your wife will soon come over, with no painkillers. Time to head to the next area.

This time go left, back to the elevator doors of the refugee camp. The elevator takes you and your family up. The door jams here. Interact with it and push left with the analog stick, your wife will help you open it. Head north and move the fallen shelf out of the aisle. Follow your wife where a cutscene will initiate.

Continue going north, moving another shelving unit out of the way. Turn left and walk through the market aisles, turning towards the camera when you reach the corner of the last aisle. Turn left and head north once more, this time your wife will run off seeing that the path out of the store is blocked off by more of that alien debris. Your wife and son go to the left to pick up a toy. The toy happens to have a light in it. Go over to your wife and who will automatically hold your hand. You can use your melting and stone powers again. Melt until you get to the front door and open it with the help of your wife. You have now completed Somerville Chapter 8.

Chapter 9
Head on through into the city streets, using your melting powers to get rid of any debris which is blocking the road. After walking past the lorry, melt the debris to the right, covering a store’s front doors and windows. Inside here there is another mechanical ball that you can free.

Continue heading north with your family. There is a bus covered in debris. Remove this and you will see a lever for a car jack. Interact and hold down on the analog stick 5 times. You can now crawl through the truck where the wheel would be to the other side. Go into the bus and open the back door via the yellow lever inside so that your family can come through.

Walk left. You cannot keep going this way as there is a giant hole in the road. Move the shelving unit to the right of the white car and melt the debris on this side. It will flow into the gap and create pixelated water. Then use your stone powers to turn the pixels into concrete so that you all can walk across.

Chapter 10 Part 1
Go up the street, turn left and then right and up the staircase. This will take you into an alleyway with clothes stores. The camera switches to a view inside a shop. You need to go into the next shop you walk past. When you enter an alien will be looking through the roof, its red light peering through the ceiling.

This is another stealth part. You need to make sure that you do not bang into any mannequins or make any noise. After the red light goes away, go to where it appeared, turning left and walking through the store. Go down the aisle cleared of any glass and turn left when you get to the mannequin on the table.

Go around the table and continue walking right, past the two mannequins and until you are on the right side of a clothing rail. The door will now be in front of you and as soon as you open it a chase sequence will start.

Chapter 10 Part 2
Get to the end of the street, following your wife. Avoid being shot by the aliens. You will reach a dead end where your wife will stop for a moment. Run to the left and enter the open library. Go up the stairs and turn right. You need to break the window at the far-right of the upstairs corridor. You have very limited time to do this but do not panic! Pull out the cart in front of the window to about 1 metre from it. Seen the screenshot below for reference. Push the cart into the window and it will break.

Continue the run sequence, getting into the church and to the top of the bell tower. This is the end of Chapter 10. You have now completed Somerville Chapter 8 – 10.

For the final Chapters and how to beat, see our related article: Somerville Guide: Chapters 11-13 The Mothership.
Published: Nov 15, 2022 01:22 am