Somerville Chapter 5 begins with our protagonist and our unnamed saviour falling from a great height, into the depths of the cavern. Separated from the mysterious man, you work your way through the caves, looking for a way out, and a means of finding your new friend again. Just started Somerville? See our Chapter 1 Guide.
Somerville Chapter 5 Part 1
After your fall, your only way back is to venture into the unknown darkness of the caves. As there is only one path to follow at the moment, keep heading down until you reach the level with the pixelated part of the floor on the left of the screen. Go right and head down the ladder. Go right again and continue to drop down. You will also slide down into a pixelated water pool.

The man can be seen on your right, trapped under a heavy metal beam. Interact and hold up on the left analog stick on the yellow bar on the beam to free the man. Similar to the woman who crash landed in the family home’s basement in Chapter 1, you must reach your hand out to help this character. You will see visions of the man’s past pop up on screen, and an explosion will appear between yourself and the man. You have now gained a new power.

This new power can turn anything into stone and can directly be used on the pixelated substance to turn back into solid mass again. To use this power, hold the right trigger on your controller. Go behind the burial place of the man and climb up onto the next level, going to the right side of the screen.

Keep going right and eventually you will end up at a walled-up hole. Remove the wooden boards to pick up a flare. Use your new powers on the pixelated water to your left so that you can walk across and head back to where the man is.

Use these stone powers on the pixelated slope to your left (where you originally slid down from). Now you can climb up. To get to the ladder, use the right trigger against the pixelated wall so it turns to stone. You can now climb up this wall by pressing the interact button on it.

At the top of the ladder go left and turn the pixels that around this corner to stone. You can then climb up to the next level. Follow the path to the left into a new area. You will reach the edge of a rock with a giant drop. Jump into the water below.

Your character cannot hold his breath for long, approximately 30 seconds so I recommend after the initial drop into water that you go back up to take a breath before diving back in. Underwater, head to the lower right of the screen, hold the left trigger button to melt the blocked path. Turn left as soon as you are around the bend. Continue swimming left and then pull up on the analog stick when you see light above you. This will take you to a pocket of air that you can use to get your characters breath back.

Dive back in and continue left, using your melting abilities to open the blocked path once more. This time, making sure that you pass through the hole in the metal gate. Continue to use your power so you can swim through. Eventually you will be able to emerge from the water. There is a ladder that you cannot reach on the far-left side of the screen. To get to this, use your melting powers on the alien debris until the pixels make their way to the edge of the water (underneath the ladder). Use your stone powers to turn the pixels into solid mass so that you can walk across and jump up to the next level. Now you can climb the ladder.

Somerville Chapter 5 Part 2
Walk all the way left until you reach two more ladders. When you start climbing the second one, an alien will appear, its red light looking directly at the top of the ladder. Head back down, you cannot get past him this way. In between the first and second ladder there is a path to the left, go here.

Shimmy across the narrow pathway, a stone will drop underneath your feet alerting the alien. It will peer over the wall. Just make sure you keep moving. Go across the large gap via the fallen tree and remove the wooden blanks in front of a hole on the other side. Head into the hole and go through the crawl space. Keep following the path, climbing up into a new area. On your right there is another blocked hole with wooden planks in front of it. Remove them and take out the mine cart. Take it to the edge and let it drop. Now you can fall, following the mine cart down. You will drop into water. Swim to the left until you can emerge from the water. Keep heading left.
New area, new puzzle. What you need to do here is use the wheel and spin until the lift is on the ground. Use your melting power to turn the debris under the lift into pixels. Then use your stone power straight after to transform back into solid mass. This will create a floor for the lift. Return the lift back into its original place. Now you can walk across and climb up on the other side.

Pull out the minecart and head on through, into the tunnels.
Somerville Chapter 5 Part 3
As always, continue going left, crawling through the tunnels and getting into a small but very tall cavern. There is a box of flares here. Open and take one. What you need to do here is melt all the debris above you. As you melt the pixels with turn into a form of water, slowly rising as you continue to melt away.

There is an edge that you can climb up on after you have melted away the blocked cavern. From here, climb up to the rocks behind you and begin melting again. The water will start to rise once more.

In this next bit, there is a wooden plank holding up boulders. As you melt those boulders will fall, so you need to make sure that you do not melt too quick. As shown in the screenshots below, there is an overhang which you can hide under once this section is fully submerged. You will want to get to this water level before you attempt taking out the debris above and releasing the boulders.

From here, melt slowly whilst also beginning to dive underwater to get to the overhang on your left. This will give you enough time to get to safety whilst the boulders release and fall past you. Continue to melt everything that is above you until you cannot anymore. There are two areas to go to here, on the left continues the game. Use your stone power on the left wall so you can climb up. On the right in a small cave chamber with another mechanical ball in it. There is nothing to do here but communicate with it by copying its sequence.
After climbing up on the left side, continue walking to the left. Going into the next section of the game. Just follow this section the whole way round until you reach the next puzzle. Here you need to open the door behind you. This is operated by the wheel to the right. But it will not work as the rope lifting the door open is too light to keep it open. So, we need to make this heavy somehow. These are the steps to solve this puzzle.

- Go left, across the water and climb up the ladder on the far-left side of the screen.
- Pull off the wooden planks at the top of the ladder (on your right).
- Turn on the generator. Then pull the cord and hold the left trigger button to melt the debris hanging out on the right of the screen. Do this until a large chunk of it falls into the water below.
- Head back down the ladder and swim across (back to where you came in). There will be a mine cart on this side. Wheel the cart to the far right and place under the hole where the pixelated water is pouring out from.

- Fill up the cart with the pixelated water.
- Wheel the cart back so that it sits under the rope.
- Turn the door wheel until the rope is in the cart. Do not turn the whole way otherwise the rope will fly out. Just turn wheel a full rotate once.
- Go to the lever on the right which operates the ceiling light. Interact, hold down and use the right trigger to turn the pixelated water in the cart to stone.
- Push the cart to the right. This will open the door.

Go through the door and head up the ladder on your left. Taking you into the next Chapter.
Somerville Chapter 6 Part 1
In this new area, turn the lights on via the lever. Open the shutters at the back by clicking the button with the red light on the back wall. Flick the track lever on your right and move out the mine cart so that it sits on this section of the track. Flick the lever back to its starting position. Now you can move the cart on this track to the left side and place up against the wall. Go up the stairs and onto the cart. Climb through the window.

Head left, flick the next track lever. Go back and press the shutter button on the other side of the room you were just in. This will give you the mine cart from earlier. Pull until halfway down hill of the track and let go so that the mine cart breaks open the gate. Follow the cart down and pull the next lever you see. Begin pulling the cart to the left. After moving the cart out make sure you are standing on the side of the camera because as you begin entering the clearing there are aliens waiting for you on the other side.

Stay behind the cart whilst moving it to the left. You do not need to stop moving if their red light is looking at you. Stop the cart when there is a ladder behind you. Have the cart in front of it so that if the alien is looking your way it will not see you go down the ladder.

Go down the ladder go left and head back up the second ladder. Be sure to time this when the red light is not looking over the left ladder. Run to the lever just right of the ladder and pull. As soon as you do this both aliens will be alerted of your whereabouts.

After a couple seconds they will look away and you can go back down the ladder, take the other one up and return to the mine cart. Continue walking with the cart to the left, now going past the track that you aligned. You will eventually come to a drop. Let the cart go here, it will distract the aliens and open the gate up ahead. One of the aliens will follow the cart through. You need to follow the alien. This is another stealth sequence. The alien is now holding a spot in the room, surveying the area with its red light.

First get to the cover on the left. Then when it’s not looking, go to the next cover on your right. Then finally get to the lever on your left. Pull the lever down and hold the right trigger, let go so it turns the alien into stone.

Now that it has been turned to stone you can go through. Press the button at the far left of the scrollable screen. A lift will come down. Go inside by interacting with the yellow door handle and then press the button on the left wall.
Somerville Chapter 6 Part 2
Continue walking left and as you fall into some water a chase sequence will initiate. Run to the upside door car and interact, pull right on the left analog stick and run through. Keep running left. There is nowhere else to go but to jump.
Somerville Chapter 7
Being taken downstream, you exit the mines and find safety floating on a passing log.

There are no puzzles for this Chapter. Simply head up the path after being reunited with your dog. You have beaten Somerville Chapter 5 – 7. For more Somerville content, see our related: Somerville Guide: Chapters 8-10 The City
Published: Nov 15, 2022 01:21 am