Rescued off the top of the belltower. But your family did not make it. The aircraft flies off, leaving your family behind. The reptilian like aliens surround your wife and son. Where are we being taken to? We are fast approaching the end of this Sci-Fi Adventure. This is our guide to beating Somerville Chapter 11 to 13. Interested in our review? See the related: Somerville Review: Family is Hope
Somerville Chapter 11

Somerville Chapter 11 consist of cutscenes, showing our protagonist being taken to an underwater facility. Here we see that those who have helped us along the way came from this facility. We awake in a pit, with people watching us from above. Chapter 11 is a kind of training sequence, where you must get to the red light.

All you have to do here is walk to it and the light will turn green. It will then sink into the ground and more red lights will appear. This time there are 5. Just walk to all of them, one by one, making them go green.

After hitting all 5 another light will appear in the middle. Walk to this one until it glows green and sinks back into the ground. Next, a lever emerges on your left. Interact with it, holding the lever down. A wall will appear in the centre of the pit, use your melting powers via the left trigger button. Walk through to the other side of the wall until you are against the red light.

The light will submerge once more, this time transforming into another lever on the right side. Now the red light is in the centre of the room, inside the alien debris making up a pillar. Here you need to melt the pillar using the lever, holding it down. Then once the pillar is 95% melted, showing the red light, switch to the right trigger button. Holding and releasing so that it turns the melted debris into stone. Now you can walk to the red light and turn it green.

The facility goes dark, alarms blare through speakers in the room. The woman who helped you escape appears from the right door. Shooting into the corridor behind her. The aliens are in the facility. All you need to do here is go back onto the blue holding device (where you woke up).

As you enter what appears to be a sort of engine room with 3 holding chambers above you. The left chamber fills with the alien mechanical balls. Hold the left trigger until the chamber pulses, the matter will transfer into the chamber on the right side.

Hold the right trigger now to turn the matter into stone. This will then transfer into the middle chamber.

Now with the mass inside the middle chamber, hold both triggers until it disappears.

Repeat the same process again, a total of 12 times. The sequence will get faster and faster until after the 10th time you are just clicking the triggers instead of holding them.

A giant artillery device blasts the protagonist and woman into the air, flying past the alien space ships. Aimed directly for the mothership entrance. You make it inside. Somerville Chapter 11 is complete.

Somerville Chapter 12 Part 1
Transported back into Chapter 1, you awake on the couch with your family watching TV. Everything seems normal again. Was it just a dream? Follow your dog to the right, into the kitchen. Head into the basement and pick up the dog food. Go back up the stairs. The protagonist will drop the food again after the house shakes.

Go outside where your family is. Instead of an alien invasion in the night sky, you see fireworks.

The fireworks and your family are now gone. Go back into the house and head back into the basement. You will see the woman from the beginning of the game, reaching her hand out to you. Interact with her.

The same will happen again, you see a vision. The protagonist falls to the floor. You have the melting power once more. Move the wooden beam in the right corner of the room. Interact with the lamp and hold left trigger. This time however, you will not be going back up the stairs. Walk into the corridor and head towards the purple light on the other side.

Head through the pixelated waters, try to get to the giant alien ball in the middle. A purple light will appear from above. You cannot evade this. The purple light will make you sink into the water where you will then fall back into the Mines (Chapter 5-7). Swim to the bottom right of your screen and go round the corner. Follow the path round to the left, and swim until you see the same pocket of air as previously seen in the Mines Chapter.

Chapter 12 Part 2
Dive back in and continue swimming left, going through the hole and then emerging out of the water. Go right and climb out of the pixelated water. You will see the man from the Mines, trapped once more. Remove the beam and interact with him. This time, seeing an additional vision.

You now have the power to turn things into stone once more. Go to the back of the room and head to the right. Remove the wooden planks to get a flare. The path where you came from is now blocked. With the flare in hand, hold the left trigger. The whole room will melt away. Head north. The corridor will come to an opening with a vertical climb. Use the stone power with the right trigger to turn the floor into concrete so that you can walk up.

Continue to walk north whilst melting away the wall in front of you. Your family can be seen ahead, sitting on a couch. Go over to them and hold left trigger once more, this illusion will melt away and so will the wall behind it. Continue walking north.

You will find yourself back at the clearing with the large alien ball in the centre. Go up to it and interact with the light on right arm of the ball. The ball will open like an eye showing a scene of a girl sitting on the floor. Hold the left trigger which will melt the floor in the girl’s bedroom. You cannot do anything with this yet. The eye will close, and the purple light will come back. You will once again, sink into the water and fall.

Emerge and swim to the right. You will see your family once more, this time your son is walking off to the right. He drops his toy. Pick it up so you can use your abilities. Melt the area where he walked through and follow the path.

As you walk across the highway, cars will start zooming past you. All you need to do here is hold the right trigger, near one of the cars going past you. Just time it when a car is right next to you and let go of the bumper, this will turn the car into stone. The cars behind will crash into the first.

Continue walking to the right, after getting past the fence by melting it. There are more cars coming on this side. Two will nearly hit you so once again you need to hold the right trigger and let it go. Do this twice before both cars hit you.

Melt away the vehicles and fence on the right to get to the other side once more. This time a lorry slips on the road and comes barrelling towards you. Stand to the right of the grey car and wait until the lorry is close enough (refer to the screenshot below). Pre-holding the right trigger, let this go when the lorry is just about to hit you.

Now with the lorry frozen you can begin to melt again. Head north whilst holding the left trigger. The lorry will transform into the corridors that you have previously walked through. Head going north until approaching a scene with cars, traffic lights, a couch and a guitar. Use your stone power on the pixelated water north of the scene, to get across.

Once again, melt the north wall and keep walking until coming to another clearing with the alien ball in the middle. This time interact with the purple light on the left arm of the ball. It will show a scene of a little boy in bed. Hold left trigger for a few seconds, the moon will vanish, being pulled upwards. The boy wakes up. When he turns the light on, go over to the right arm of the ball, interacting with the device and use the left trigger again, holding until the eye closes.

Chapter 12 Part 3
The purple light will look over once again. This time you fall into a new area. Swim past the buoys and go right until you see an air strip. Climb the ladders and walk right. As you walk, the two people who helped you in the Mines and City (Chapters 8-10) are here, alongside the third person who crash landed in your home. Go up to the woman and watch the short cutscene.

Interact when she reaches her hand out. Hold both bumpers, the one screen command will pop up. The scene explodes and you fall out from one of those giant alien balls.

You now have every ability. The new power can be used by holding both triggers. Walk north, wading through the pixelated waters and go to the first ball. Interact with the right arm. It will show the first scene of the girl on the floor, now scared. Hold left trigger first until you can see a ball emerging from the floor. Then whilst holding the left trigger, hold right trigger also. The ball will lift, and the eye will break.

Head to the next ball, again interacting with the right arm. The boy from before is here again, curled up in bed. Do the same thing we just did on the other eye. Hold left trigger until you see the ball emerge from the ground. Then hold right trigger with the left to break the eye.

Finally, go to the last ball. Interact with the left arm, a new scene will show of a boy riding a bike. What you need to do here is hold the right trigger this time and wait until the boy is riding underneath one of the posts. Let go of the right bumper to trigger the stone ability. This will turn the bike into concrete and the boy will fly off.

Next, hold the left trigger to melt the ground, another ball will emerge. You can now hold both triggers to lift the ball and break the eye.

With the last eye broken, go north. The purple light will grab you once more, this time lifting you up. Chapter 12 is now complete. You have made it to the final Chapter.
Chapter 13

A blue beam of light above creates a path for you to walk down. Climb up and walk north. As you approach the horizon, in front of you is a line of frozen people. Three aliens will emerge in the clearing. They communicate with you in a sequence of three.

Stand in the middle of the line, interacting with the people beside you by holding their hands. Copy the sequence- Blue, Orange, Blue. Translated to left trigger, right trigger, left trigger. You need to hold the interact button the entire time so you can use your powers.

What sequence you decide to use next is up to you and will determine which ending you get. For the ending that is most obvious to get here is to copy their second sequence which is Blue, Blue, Orange. Hold and let go the sequence – left trigger, left trigger and right trigger. You might need to input this sequence multiple times to get it right. A house will appear. Go to it and head inside to achieve an ending.

That is the end of Somerville and the end to our guides. You have beaten Somerville Chapter 11 – 13. Interested in seeing how to get the other endings? Check out our related article: How to Unlock All Endings in Somerville.
Published: Nov 15, 2022 01:22 am