Jumpship’s debut installment is the Sci-Fi adventure game titled, Somerville. Set in the Massachusetts city, Somerville follows an unnamed family, torn apart by an alien invasion. We play as our unnamed father of the family, searching for his wife and son in the midst of a global crisis. Traverse through the forest and city, explore the caves, and find a way to get to your family and get out of Somerville. This is our Guide to beating Somerville Chapter 1 & 2.
Somerville Chapter 1 Part 1

The family is asleep on the couch after watching their favourite show together. You awake, this time as the toddler. Make your way to the front room (the room on the left of the couch). Pick up the toy that is on the table in the front room. Pull it out of the plug socket. The toy’s light will come on.

Head back into the living room and go far right to the baby gate. Use the interact key (Xbox B, PlayStation O and Switch Controller A) and the left analog stick to pull the big bag next to the gate. This will give you an object to stand on top of so that you can jump the gate.

Now in the kitchen, pull the two drawers on your right. It is made clear by the game that these are interactable because of the yellow cloths coming out of them. Climb onto of the drawers and head onto the kitchen counter. From here, go to the window and use the interact key and pull up with the left analog stick. The toddler will fall into the trash bin and wake up his parents.
Somerville Chapter 1 Part 2

The main character now switches to the father. As soon as he’s up from the couch, head left to the front door. Your dog will follow you outside. You can also use the buttons (Xbox Y, PlayStation Triangle and Switch X) to interact with switches and doors easier. Open the kennel on the far left of the screen now that you are outside. The dog will pick up his dog bowl. Go back inside and head to the kitchen. Open the door next to the dog bed. Go into the basement and pick up the dog food on the chest of drawers with the green dog bed, dog bowl and ball. Go back upstairs.

A load crash can be heard nearby, the whole house shakes. Go outside to see what is going on. In the sky there is a giant vertical ship. Debris starts falling on top of your front yard. Things are beginning to escalate.

Run to your kitchen where your family is. Grab the bag that is on the kitchen counter. Head back to your front yard.

Attempt to get to your car in the garage. This will not work, and you will have to go back inside to try and wait out the invasion. Hide in the basement in the alcove on the left side. A mysterious woman in futuristic armor crash lands in her ship, breaking through the basement. Reach your hand out to help her using the interact button, you will see a vision of her past flash on your screen. She collapses and you fall to the floor, unconscious. This is the end of Part 1.

Somerville Chapter 2 Part 1 – How to Escape the Basement

You awake in the basement, your dog lying near you. But where is your wife and child? The basement entrance is blocked. To wake up, hold left trigger. Do this 3 times. Now up, go to the right side of the room and remove the wooden beam that is in front of the basement lamp.

Interact with the lamp and hold the left bumper button (Xbox LT, PlayStation L2 and Switch ZL). Your new powers passed to you by the woman from earlier, gifted you the ability to transform solid mass into pixelated cubes. This power can only be utilised when you are holding a light source.
When the debris blocking the stairs is melted by your new power, go upstairs and hold the interact key against the door. Pull the analog stick towards you so that our protagonist pushes the door open. The doorframe on your left is blocked. Use the ceiling light to turn the debris into cubes.

Simply interact and walk towards the door whilst holding the light and hold left bumper. You are now in what was once your living room. Keep holding the light source and pull it all the way to the left of the room, melting the debris on the left side of the closet. Next, grab the closet and pull to the left. Now lying on the floor, use the interact button to jump up, getting through the hole in the ceiling.
Chapter 2 Part 2

Now outside, go down the path and through the gate. Touch the electricity box on the post to clear the path. Just up ahead there is a rolling mechanical ball. These are not a threat and are in fact helpful in the beginning of your journey. Open the gate on your left and head all the way across the field until you reach a fence that is blocked (at the far left of the field). The mechanical balls will help clear this.

Use the electricity box on the lights across the fence to destroy the debris that is on top of the house that you can see on the horizon of the field. Walk up towards more debris that is blocking another section of the fence. The balls will clear this too and you can walk across into the next field on your left. Again, head all the way to the left until there is another fence, this time with a sign. Jump over and head into the forest.
That is our guide of beating Somerville Chapter 1 & 2. For more Somerville content, see our related articles: Somerville Guide: Chapter 3 The Forest.
Published: Nov 15, 2022 01:21 am