After making it through the Forest, our protagonist wanders into the outskirts of Somerville aiming to reach the heart of the city. As we saw before, we are not alone. Whilst most of civilisation appears to be wiped out, or vanished of the face of the Earth, the hostile aliens remain. Hungry to find any remaining survivors. The purple light still hunts you. Now, separated from your dog, can you make it through the Coast? Here is our guide to beating Somerville Chapter 4.
Interested in seeing more content, not just of Somerville Chapter 4? Check out: Somerville Review: Family is Hope
Somerville Chapter 4 Part 1
Following straight on from Chapter 3 of Somerville. Our protagonist is out of the Forest, heading into the outskirts of the city. Go left, open the gate and head towards the car pileup. The first step in Chapter 4 is to find a way through. Interact with the upside-down red car on your left by holding the yellow bar and pulling down.

Walk across and follow the path round to a silver family car. Open the door and climb through to the other side. Your dog finds his way round to you so do not worry about him. Go left and drop down into the next section, filled with tents.

Go to the upper far left of the screen, past the tent with a person in it. There is a red car with the brake lights on. One of the mechanical balls is trapped in there. Interact with the boot and let the alien out. You can interact with these aliens by pressing and holding the left trigger 3 times. The aliens only understand a sequence of 3.

Continue to walk left, jumping over the tipped over porta potty. Eventually you will find a woman in a red car attempting to start the vehicle. As you approach, the car starts and tries to drive off but crashes. A purple light can be seen from above, abducting the woman.

Turn left and interact with the light post, using your powers to get through the debris. The purple light will notice your movement and begin chasing you. Run and then crawl into the first tent you see. Wait until the light goes back to the right. Do not exit the tent the way you came in, but head left, there is an exit on the other side of the tent.

Continue to run left, the purple light will stop chasing you. You will approach a trio of tents and a round table. There is a cable of lights around the tents, to interact with these you need to grab hold of the light that is dangling at the lowest point. Whilst holding it, pull forward and the plank holding the lights up will break. You can now move the light cable around. Follow the round table to the right, circling round so you extend the cables length. Use the left trigger to melt the debris at the back of the round table.

You can now go all the way left with the cable in hand and melt the debris blocking the path. Use the light dangling above your head and melt away the debris so you can head north and circle up to the left side of the screen. Use the lever to bring down the pole so that you can go back to the round table. Pick up the second cable you used and take it back across the pole (starting on the right side and walking across to the left).

Use your powers with the light to melt the debris blocking the red van. This will free the van’s ladder and you can climb up.

Somerville Chapter 4 Part 2
Follow the path until you reach a van, a generator and a tent. Turn on the generator by pulling right on the cable 3 times. You will see a light flickering on to your right. Head over and pick up the tongs and place in the car. Go back to the generator and interact, pull the cable and hold the left trigger at the same time to melt the debris on your left. Your powers are flowing through the car headlights.

As always, walk left and the purple light will return in front of you. To evade it this time, head down into the water below you. Stay in the shadows to get across without the light catching you.

Jump on top of the upside-down white car. The hear the sound of the car alarm so quickly run and hide in the porta porty. Wait 20 seconds until the purple light passes.

Exit and follow the path to the left, past the 2 lorries, until you are facing a line of large wheelie bins. To your right there is a small fenced off area with a cardboard cut-out of a person and one of those mechanical balls. You can get into this area by moving the wooden palette, freeing the ball.

To continue the story, move the red wheelie bin with the yellow bar on the left side. Squeeze through the gap and head north into the giant tent. Here is your first encounter with the hostile aliens on land. Similar to the ship, these use a light to detect movement. Simply stay out of the red light by using cover. The alien will only check 2 spots in a stationary position so just wait until the red light has moved to the second position and run to cover. Your character will automatically crouch in this section. Head north to escape.

Straight after exiting the tent, another ship awaits you outside. The purple light this time does a sweeping motion, scanning for movement. You need to use the cover of the parasol umbrellas when the purple light is looking in your direction. The parasols only provide cover when the light is on top of them, so you need to remember where the shadows appear on the ground in from of you in order to get to the stage ahead. Here are 2 screenshots of the specific location of cover you will need to stand in.

Before you head up the stairs you need to turn on the generator to the left (it is in cover so do not worry about the purple light). Turn on the generator so that shutters act as cover to get through the stage area. With the shutters down you can walk through and exit on the other side. Move the wheelie bin after getting past the purple light one last time.

Somerville Chapter 4 Part 3
After squeezing through the gap between the wheelie bins, walk right and pick up the pole with a wire of lights on it. Melt away the debris in between the two trees and then circle around the tree on the right to melt the debris above the ladder. The wire will climb up the tree so the light can reach the upper level.

Go up the ladder, then stairs and cross the gap to the other side by walking along the pole. Make sure you drop off right on the end of this pole. The electrical box on your left is off so go up the ladder first to turn on the generator up top. Head back down and melt the debris on your left using the electrical box. Go to the left once more, past the debris clearing and jump down onto the tent roof so you can slide down onto the floor.

Now you should be at the staging area with instruments in the middle and a UFO prop above. First use the lever on the left and hold the left trigger to bring down the red cable.

Next put the cable socket into the camera in front of the stage. Drag the camera to the middle, looking directly at the UFO. On the big screen you will see when you have the UFO on picture. Whilst holding the bar to move the camera, hold the left trigger to clear the block path under the screen so that you can walk up onto the stage.

Open the backstage area via the wheel behind the drumkit. Go to the back of the backstage area and turn right, picking up the red cable that is lying on the ground. Plug this into the right of the stage, this operates the elevator.

Take the elevator up by interacting and using the left analog stick pointing it in an upwards direction. Follow the staircase around until you reach the edge of the platform and jump down onto the UFO prop. Release all levers attaching the prop to the wires. The UFO will fall with you on it.

Now at the bottom, take out the elevator cable and place into the UFO socket. Jump in and hold the left trigger whilst simultaneously pushing the UFO to the backstage area. You can use your powers to light up the UFO. Go to the back on the stage to melt the debris (just push the analog stick forward).

A chase sequence will start, just push forward until your character falls out of the UFO. Run towards the camera and drop down, keep running whilst the camera shifts to the side scrolling POV. A friend will arrive to help you. Slide down and run to the big gate where your saviour will help get it open.

That is the end of Somerville Chapter 4. Want to see more Somerville content? See our related guide: Somerville Guide: Chapters 5-7 The Mines.
Published: Nov 15, 2022 01:21 am