There are a wealth of different characters to play as in Smite. In the battle of gods, it can help to keep an eye on the stats. After all, not every god is carved from the same marble. While some of these deities have been more consistent than others, some changes are bound to be expected. A couple of favorites have shifted slightly, and of course, there are some new gods to keep an eye out for.
Fortunately, we here at Gamer Journalist have you covered. Our crack team of Smite experts put together the perfect Tier List for when you’re struggling to choose between characters for either competitive play or just playing with friends. Check where your favorites stand in the Smite Tier List.
Smite Tier List (March 2025)
- Set
- Heimdallr
- Yemoja
- Kukulkan
- Cthulhu
- Tsukuyomi
- Olorun
- Shiva
- Lancelot
- Bastet
- Agni
- Thor
- King Arthur
- Odin
- Yu Huang
- Ah Puch
- Ao Kuang
- Athena
- Bakasura
- Hera
- Merlin
- Susano
- Tyr
- Isis
- Jing Wei
- Raijin
- Ratatoskr
- Ullr
- Gilgamesh
- Ares
- Artio
- Chang’e
- Baron Samedi
- Cerberus
- Chiron
- Cu Chulainn
- Da Ji
- Baba Yaga
- Erlang Shen
- Fenrir
- Ganesha
- Geb
- Hercules
- Hou Yi
- Janus
- Kumbhakarna
- Kuzenbo
- Ne Zha
- Pele
- Persephone
- Rama
- Ravana
- Terra
- Thoth
- Vamana
- Vulcan
- Xbalanque
- Zeus
- Zhong Kui
- Mogan Le Fay
- Tiamat
- Danzaburou
- Morgan Le Fay
Related: A Reveal of New Gods in Smite
- Achilles
- Anhur
- Aphrodite
- Bellona
- Cernunnos
- Chernobog
- Chronos
- Cupid
- Hachiman
- He Bo
- Horus
- Hun Batz
- Izanami
- Khepri
- Medusa
- Mercury
- Neith
- Nemesis
- Ra
- Scylla
- Serqet
- Sobek
- Sol
- Sun Wukong
- Sylvanus
- The Morrigan
- Atlas
- Cliodhna
- Surtr
- Maui
- Amaterasu
- Apollo
- Artemis
- Awilix
- Bacchus
- Camazotz
- Chaac
- Fafnir
- Guan Yu
- Hades
- Jormungandr
- Kali
- Nox
- Nu Wa
- Set
- Skadi
- Thanatos
- Xing Tian
- Ymir
- Charybdis
- Mulan
- Gilgamesh
- Ah Muzen Cab
- Anubis
- Arachne
- Cabrakan
- Hel
- Poseidon
- Discordia
- Freya
- Loki
- Osiris
- Nike
We hope this SMITE Tier List helps you out in your deific endeavors! For more content just like this, check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook! And, in the meantime, take a look at our other content, such as BlazBlue Central Fiction Tier List and Marvel Strike Force Tier List.
Published: Jan 26, 2023 03:30 pm