Pokemon Legends Arceus isn’t just mindless pokemon hunting. It’s also filled with riddles, puzzles, and more. At one point in the game you must visit legendary Pokemon at the three great lakes of Hisui. Uxie at Lake Acuity in the Alabaster Icelands region is one of these Pokemon, and he has a strange question for you.
Once you start Uxie’s trial and complete the Zoroark challenge, Uxies will as you, “How many are their eyes?” regarding a list of Pokemon. He wants you to answer in a specific way, and if you’re stuck on that question, we are here to help. Read on below to find out the answer to Uxie’s how many eyes question.
How Many Eyes – Answer To Uxie’s Puzzle
The answer is 60131. Uxie’s little puzzle isn’t too difficult and can be solved pretty easily. Uxie specifically asks:
“Combee, Zubat, Unown, Magneton, Dusclops.”
“How many are their eyes?”
“Tell me each, one by one yet all at once.”
Uxie – Pokemon Legends Arceus
We simply have to look at each Pokemon, count their eyes, and put the numbers in the same order Uxie said.

Six Eyes

Zero Eyes

One Eye

Three Eyes
The only Pokemon that could be slightly confusing is Zubat. Zubat doesn’t actually have any eyes. Zubats see by using its big pointy ears for echolocation. Unown may also not be entirely clear. His entire face is actually just one big eye, but it might not be obvious when you first look at him.
Now you have the answer to Uxie’s puzzle. Once you put in the answer, you will receive the second item needed to make the Red Chain, Uxie’s Claw. After completing Uxie’s trial, you are ready to move onto Lake Valor in the Crimson Mirelands region.
Published: Feb 4, 2022 1:34 AM UTC