How to Get Tumblestone in Pokemon Legends Arceus

How to Get Tumblestone in Pokemon Legends Arceus

There are many different types of materials around the world in Pokemon Legends Arceus. Some of these materials will come in handy when you need to craft things like Poke Balls. If you’ve gone on a Pokemon catching spree, Poke Balls are something you’ll need a lot of, and they require two items to make: Apricorns and Tumblestone. We’ll show you where to get Tumblestone in Pokemon Legends Arceus in this guide.

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How to Get Tumblestone in Pokemon Legends Arceus

To get Tumblestone, look for the red crystals scattered while you’re out in the wild. Throw your Pokemon at the red crystals, and you will get Tumblestone in return. You can also purchase Tumblestone from the Craftworks station in Jubilife Village.

If you still need help, make sure your Poke Ball containing a Pokemon is selected on the bottom right of the screen. You can swap between items and Pokemon by pressing the “X” button. With the Pokemon selected, press and hold “RT.” While aiming at the red crystal, release the right trigger to throw your Pokemon at it. That’s how you can get items from objects like Tumblestone, certain berries, Apricorns, etc.

Tumblestone Crafting Poke Ball Pokemon Legends Arceus

Tumblestone is used to make useful items such as Poke Balls at the Craftworks station in Jubilife Village. Each one costs 60 from Anvin. The most basic Poke Ball you can make costs one Apricorn and one Tumblestone. Stock up on these whenever you see them, because they definitely come in handy all throughout the game!

For more guides and related content, check out our Pokemon Legends Arceus section!

Image of Paul DeMarco
Paul DeMarco
Paul is a hardcore Call of Duty fan, but also enjoys a good survival battle royale game like Fortnite or PUBG. He's been a gamer since 2005 and doesn't plan to stop any time soon.