Did you know that beavers are considered pests in some parts of the world? Their instinctive need to build dams in rivers and such, while normally harmless and often very beneficial to the environment, can occasionally lead to floods and local water damage. They also like to chew on things. A lot. That’s why, though they’re cute, beavers, as well as beaver-like creatures such as Bidoof, don’t really belong near human dwellings. Here’s where to find the Bothersome Bidoof in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
“Bothersome Bidoof” is a quest you can pick up in Jubilife Village by checking out Laventon’s blackboard in the Galaxy Team HQ. One of the village guards, Tsumugi, has been having trouble with a gaggle of Bidoof that keep sneaking into the village to gnaw on its various wooden constructs, and she needs the help of the Survey Corps (i.e. your help) to round them up and kick them out. Tsumugi is standing to the left of the Front Gate if you have trouble finding her.

Before you can start on this quest, you’ll need to have a Bidoof in your party to confuse the wild Bidoofs. If you don’t have one in your party already, just visit the Pasture on the southeastern side of the village to grab one of the undoubtedly numerous Bidoof you’ve already caught.
Where to Find the Bothersome Bidoof in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
There are three Bidoof to find in total. When you spot one, just walk right up to it, and Tsumugi will appear to capture it. Here are all three of the Bothersome Bidoof locations:
- Next to the Pasture’s fence
- Alleyway between your house and Galaxy HQ
- Southwest on Canala Avenue near the construction site

If you’re starting at the Pasture, the first Bidoof is already nearby. Simply follow the Pasture’s fence all the way to its eastern edge, next to the cliff wall, to find a Bidoof gnawing on one of the fence posts.

The second Bidoof is hanging out near your own house in the northern part of the village. There’s a small alleyway between your house and the Galaxy HQ, where you’ll find the Bidoof indulging in the stash of firewood.

The third Bidoof is in the southwestern sections of the houses that line Canala Avenue, specifically near the one that’s currently under construction. There’s a small fence next to the construction area, and you’ll find the Bidoof chewing on it on the side facing the scaffolding.

When you’ve found all three Bidoof, Tsumugi will get ready to throw them out, but Sanqua from the Construction Crew will offer to keep them to aid in her projects. You can actually see the three Bidoofs around the village going forward, usually near the construction workers.
Published: Jan 29, 2022 07:16 pm