In Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, there are a variety of familiars to choose from. Familiars can join you on your quest through this brave new world, but which ones should you pick? It would seem that you can have multiple familiars, so you can’t really go wrong here, but it’s still a tough decision.
Here’s a tier list of the best and worst familiars in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds based solely on a subjective viewpoint. I will also only be focused on the familiars that are confirmed to be present in the western version of the game. To be frank, there are currently no stats available for each of the beginner familiars, so I’ll base rankings on the overall aesthetic.
Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds Familiar Tier List

Rambunctus was born of the desire to do whatever it wants. You’re sure to find Rambunctus dancing in crowded places, making everyone nearby tired with its sweet moves.
I think Rambunctus is the kind of familiar that I would have loved as a child. It seems like it’d be a fantastic party planner or DJ. B-tier.

Penguicorn was born of the desire to help others. It is a true gentleman, always holding doors and answering when asked for directions. This incredible butler will give you a warm welcome home after a long day.
Penguicorn looks like he’d yell at me for running down the halls of my own house. D-tier.

Jabber was born of the desire to be free. You may encounter brave Jabbers while walking through forests. Seeing a Jabber fight valiantly can inspire courage in your own heart.
Jabber seems like the kind of familiar to inspire the wanderlust we all have deep down. I think traveling the world of Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds would be very fun with a familiar like Jabber by my side. A-tier.

Petals are born in the hearts of flowers. They float in the wind and help flower buds bloom, spreading their floral scent far and wide.
Petal is absolutely adorable, and that is very important when we don’t have these familiars’ stats. A-tier.

A familiar that lives in groups in the mountains. Don’t let its cuteness fool you, or it may knock you out with its stick and take all your stuff!
I likely wouldn’t let Hog-Goblin into my team because I would have a hard time saying its name. C-tier.

Sparkee was born from an energetic heart. It sometimes shocks its own friends because it produces so much electricity. It would be a lot more popular if it could just contain itself…
Sparkee looks like … a lot, if that makes sense. I get the feeling that it wouldn’t hesitate to send me to an early grave if I didn’t feed it on time or something. It’s an electric-type, so it would likely be efficient in battle, but still … C-tier.

Polarin was born from the cleanest snow in Winter Wonderland. It has a cute face with bright eyes and fluffy snowballs, but it can charge at you with its icicle horn, so be careful!
Polarin is incredibly adorable. It gives me intense Pikachu vibes, if Pikachu was an ice-mouse-unicorn. I also tend to go for water/ice types, so Polarin would definitely stand a chance on my team. A-tier.

A magical creature whose duty is to protect the ruins of an ancient kingdom. It stands still when it’s not fighting, but as soon as it sees an enemy, it uses its rocky fists to take them down with surprising speed.
Petromaton reminds me heavily of Bastion from Overwatch. I like its ‘pacifist-until-it-needs-to-wreck-shop’ mentality. I think this one will also be extremely useful in the heat of battle. A-tier.

Sillymander was born from lava in a hot desert. Every breath it takes is accompanied by flames, so watch out! It may look friendly, but it’s actually very dangerous, so keep a safe distance!
Sillymander’s name is absolutely brilliant, but I am somewhat confused because this familiar is from a hot desert which is commonly associated with overly serious creatures. I have no idea how to respond to a … silly … fire character! B-tier.

A teddy bear made by a magician as a gift for a young girl who was afraid of the dark. Though born of the desire to help the girl, Rimu is a scaredy-cat. It hides from its fears in its dinosaur costume.
If I’m being honest, this familiar is the cutest of the bunch, and that counts for a lot. If I had to choose a familiar from the starter set, I would probably go with Rimu. S-tier, easily.
Published: May 25, 2022 05:35 pm