Transporting large quantities of items and materials in Minecraft can be a bit of a headache if you don’t have the components for a network of Ender Chests. When you’re using something like a boat or an Elytra, you’re limited only to the items you can carry in your personal inventory. Luckily, there is another option. Here’s how to craft a boat with a chest in Minecraft.
Minecraft – The Wild Update: How to Craft a Boat with a Chest
The Boat with Chest item in Minecraft is, well, a boat with a chest. Specifically, it’s a typical wooden boat that features a built-in chest you can access from both inside and outside of the boat. It’s quite handy for transporting large quantities of items across long stretches of water, and it’s super easy to build to boot.
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How to Craft a Boat with a Chest
To craft a boat with a chest, you’ll first need to craft a regular boat and a regular chest separately. As a reminder, to make a boat, you’ll need five blocks of wooden planks (any kind of wood is fine) arranged like this:
Meanwhile, to make a chest, you’ll need eight blocks of wooden planks arranged like this:
Easy peasy. Now we just gotta put it all together. You don’t even need a crafting table for this part, that’s how simple the recipe is. You can stick the chest and the boat in any two cells in your inventory crafting box.
Voila, a boat with a chest, ready to go!
Using Your Boat with Chest
The boat with a chest controls the same way as a regular boat. Right-click on it to get in or out, and control its movement with your mouse and WASD keys. The difference is that, if you push the E key, you’ll open the chest’s inventory instead of your own inventory, where you can freely move its contents around. You can also access the chest by sneaking and right-clicking the boat. The weight of the chest won’t affect the speed of the boat, either, so feel free to fill it with whatever you like. It even works with hoppers, so if you’re especially crafty, you can have items flow into a boat with a chest and send it down a body of water.
Do note, though, that unlike a regular boat, which can hold up to two entities at once, the boat with a chest can only hold one, since the other one is permanently occupied by the chest. Additionally, destroying the boat will destroy the chest as well, scattering whatever it was carrying. Finally, since the chest’s inventory takes precedence over your own inventory, you can’t make changes to your armor slots while sitting in the boat with a chest.
This new storage method could open a lot of new avenues for travel and shipping. With a little bit of creativity, you could get your own shipyard going!
Published: Jun 8, 2022 12:15 pm